Chapter 80 Own Battles

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Chapter 80

News of the Elf King's death spread like wildfire. Every kingdom heard the story and how king Ferius launched a full-on attack on Tordis. How it survived thanks to the king and young prince's sacrifice that the Kingdom is still standing.

Because of this, they started to remember how Gija was annihilated and most kingdoms began to panic.

We went back to Thalia along with Stella and Kellar after attending the burial of the Elf King.

Stella has been enjoying accompanying King Luke in the greenhouse and sharing her knowledge with him. King Luke was pretty thrilled at the idea and I have this suspicion that he was picturing himself as a father figure to her. I guess, he kind of got that opportunity of becoming a dad seeing as how he treated Stella like his own daughter.

Kellar was being trained by Terrence in sword fighting alongside us. At first, Terrence wasn't happy with the arrangement that he was going to teach a son of Ferius, but after a few words of convincing, he finally agreed.

As for the missing trap of the chalice, I already told Ren and Nate about it, which is why we were more cautious with the knights more than ever. It has to be one of them.

It has been decided that it would be best for Ace to be with his family for a while until we find a way to restore his memory. And it is also part of the reason why we left the orb with them so that they can hire some magicians to study the artifact.

It has been three days now and Custard still hasn't returned, but I know that he is doing well. It is just a feeling on my part. I already miss the little guy. And I sure hope that he was able to ask Serena my question because I want to make sure that my hunch was right.

I don't want to do anything that might further hurt Ace if I'm wrong. After all, IT is a powerful tool.

We have just finished training and I decided to visit King Luke and my sister in the greenhouse. But as I got there, I heard some bickering and decided to hide in the shadows for a bit to eavesdrop.

King Luke was hiding Stella behind his back while the magician that he hired to help him with his research was screaming his head off.

And he was screaming at my sister. I frowned immediately but decided to stay put.

"It's your fault! You and your blood relatives are cursed! Blasphemy!." The magician says as he screamed. Stella gulped and her hands started to emit cold mist. A reaction of when her emotions are in a jumble.

I know because this isn't the first time that this happened. I gritted my teeth as I watched them.

King Luke grabbed her hands reassuringly despite getting frostbitten hands. He smiled at her before looking back at the old and haggard magician. "Get out." He said it calmly.

"What?! You're taking that bitch's side?! If there's someone that you should kick out, it should be-"

"Do not make me repeat myself."

"-her!" The magician still continued. "If only the rogue king destroyed them all then the war would have ended. King Ferius wouldn't launch an attack. Do you hear me, child? The blood of the elf king is in your hand-" The man didn't even get to finish when King Luke punched him in the face.

"I SAID GET OUT!" I flinched when King Luke yelled at him. It was the first time that I ever saw him this angry. "Cabal, you are forgetting that Rose and Stella have the blood of both the King and Queen of Gija. And also a blood relative of MY WIFE!" His face was red in anger and his fist was shaking at his sides as if he was trying hard not to punch the man in front of him. "They're my family. My children. If I even hear you berating them again, then I will have you banish and join the rogues that you are so afraid of! Go. Grab your belongings and never come back. You are just a magician and they are of royal blood. Know your place!" King Luke grabbed a bag from the table and threw it at the magician.

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