Chapter 100 Palace of Ice

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Chapter 100

Everyone was quiet as we all let the information sink in. When I thought about it, it all made sense now. Luke was the one that we were looking for. The only thing is, he is not exactly a traitor, just controlled by something that he cannot fight.

"Hang on, who attacked Luke in the greenhouse?" I asked. "I mean, the place was basically a mess."

"He did that to himself," Stella says. "As soon as he realized that Ferius was looking and hearing events of what was happening, he put himself to sleep to purposely stop Ferius from knowing of our plans. But upon realizing this, Ferius tried to take control over him. That was why the dose of the sleeping potion that he took was too much as to put him in a temporary coma."

"I see." Ace and I exchanged a look.

"Amy, there's more," Stella says. "The orb that should take us home. It's in the castle along with Ferius." Her expression dropped. "While we were escaping, he was saying something about going to our realm if...if we don't surrender."

"What!?" Now I got up from my seat and faced my aunt. "Do you think that he knows where it is?"

My aunt cast a glance at Luke before shaking her head. "Luke never wanted to know where I specifically keep my valuables. But he does know that my vault is somewhere in my office. He's probably looking there right now. I thought that he was only saying that because he wants me to have my own privacy, but I guess I was wrong. There was another reason."

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and then I remembered something more valuable. "Shit! The chalice is there as well." I cursed. I swear, it's one disaster to another. It just never ends!

"I feel like my sister is in there as well. Trapped." Chace muttered.

"You mean Camille?" I asked. Chace nodded.

Oh, it's just her...

I thought it was someone or something important. But just for show, I tried to look sympathetic to him. Why the hell is Camille in Thalia anyway?

"Amy, what exactly does the chalice do?" Stella suddenly wondered. "Why is it so important? I keep hearing you guys talk about it."

"To be honest with you, Stella, I have limited knowledge about it as well." I admitted. "But according to Serena, it has the power to break curses and spells."

Right now, Stella was beginning to stare off into space again as if she were in deep thought. "Are you the one who's in control of the chalice?"

"I guess so. I mean, my blood does the trick and only I can say the binding word."

"Amy, in this world, the concept of lifting or breaking a curse or a spell solely depends on the owner of a magical tool. Ferius wants you to undo the curse that was casted upon him by our ancestors, right?"

"Yeah. And release his abomination of a chimera." I pointed out.

"Ace?" Stella glanced at the elf prince, who then gave her a look.

"It's PRINCE."

"It's ROSE'S sister to you then if you keep acting like that." She frowned at him. "Back to the topic at hand, isn't the chimera's origin a result of dark magic?"


"And dark magic coincides with curses, am I right?" At her question, Ace's eyes widened. "And the chalice can lift curses. Which means...." She trailed off. A small smile appearing on her lips and she glanced at me and then at Ace. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

I saw Ace smirking as well and saw how the two of them kept casting glances at me with a look that expects me to be on the same page as them.

I really have no idea what they were talking about, but to save face, I pulled my lips in a nervous smile even though I was clueless as hell.

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