Chapter 97 Beginning of the End

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Chapter 97

Nate and I headed for the larger tent in the area. He told me that it was where all the royals are supposed to gather for the briefing.

Nate opened the tent for me go to inside, but before I could even enter, I heard two familiar voices behind me. "I almost cried. You look so much more independent compared to the last time that we saw you. I just hope that you really are what you look like from the outside."

It was Custard who first reacted. He lets out a howl and ran behind me. 'Master Ren!'

I turned just in time to see Ren picking Custard up on the ground as Custard showered him with adoring kisses. The twins were humbly wearing plain shirts like what we usually wore in training. And judging by the looks on their faces, I can only guess that they were doing a bit of training before they came here.

"Hey, why do Custard only cares about you, brother?" Dan frowned as he eyed Custard, who was now snuggling comfortably in Ren's arms. Then Dan looked up at me. "I feel like there's favoritism going on here." He pouted.

Just like Custard, I let out a scream as I hugged them both. "It's so nice to see you guys again!"

Ren and Dan laughed as they returned the hug. "We miss you too, Rose." Ren says.

"Yeah." Dan agreed. "My brother especially. He cried on the first night that he got home."

I immediately knew what was going to happen so I stepped back just in time as Ren hit Dan on the head. "Will you stop being shameless already!?"

"Sorry, Ren. Must have been ruff." I told him.

Ren paused before slowly turning to look at me with his eyes narrowed. "Rose."


"You said rough, right?" His tone was getting suspicious.

"Yes." I confirmed. "Ruff." Right now, even Dan was leering at me as he placed his hands on his hips.

Ren took in a deep breath. "Rose, I am going to be a king one day." He says it like it was already enough of an explanation on why I shouldn't make werewolf jokes anymore.

"Wow. Congratulation in advance, future king of the ruff." I told him with a snicker.

"Gah!" Ren screamed. "I am going to be a future king one day. Why do I still don't get any respect?!"

"Welcome to my world," Nate mumbled beside me.

"That's because you guys didn't have a coronation yet. Unlike me." Now it was Fred covering over to our group. He was wearing a brown cloak, which he then took off and handed to his attendant. "Nice to see everyone gathering in one place."

'Master Fred!' Custard barked at him. 'Did you bring any food?'

I swear, Custard likes any one who gives him food. Wait, no. Not like. He LOVES anyone who gives him food.

Fred gave us all a look before his face fell in horror when he saw use drawing near. "W-Wait, everyone. Stop!" He gasped when all of us tackled him into a group hug. Fred finally resigned before he ruffled our heads. "Oh, alright. My advisor will definitely scold me for this, but who cares?"

"Just fire him." I whispered while Ren and Nate agreed.

"Hey? Am I the only one who was offended that we did not do a group hug when Ren and I showed up?" Dan wondered out loud.

"Shut it, Dan!" Ren snapped at him.

As we all moved back, Fred started looking around. "Where's...the PRINCE?" He asked.

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