Chapter 39 Snitches Get Stitches

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Chapter 39 

'A royalty!' A voice laughed inside of my head. It was clearer compared to the other voices streaming in the background.

I jolted up immediately as the eeriness of its voice sent shivers all throughout my body. "Oh Gosh!" I yelled, scaring my familiar that was resting it's chin on my bare stomach. I then looked all around me. I was back in my hut.

'Master!' My familiar whimpered excitedly and started licking my face while wagging it's tail at me furiously. He was getting crazy smothering me that Ren had to pull my familiar back just so I can breathe.

"You're alive!" Ren whispered and suddenly engulfed me into an embrace. As soon as we parted, I took note that his eyes and nose were a bit red. Was he crying? "I..I thought you..."

This time, it was Nate who had to pull Ren back to give me some space. Upon doing so, Ren and Nate almost fought while PRINCE Ace kneeled beside me and placed the back of his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

When I tried to look at his face. He immediately pulled my hair so that my gaze casted downward. "What the f*ck!" I yelled.

"You seem to be fine." Was all he said. When I turned to glare at him, his back was already facing me.

'Kick his back. Plan for revenge!' A voice spoke at the back of my mind that I immediately shook away. Geez. PRINCE Ace is such a d*ck that even my conscience wants me to kick him. Impressive.

I looked at Nate and Ren. The vampire prince's eyes were as red as Ren's as they continued to push each other away from me. I cocked my head to the side and scratched my head wondering why on Earth would they assume that I was dead. "Care to refresh my memory? I really don't remember anything." I frowned. My memory was a bit foggy and I have this feeling that I was forgetting something important. But what is it?

Ren looked at me and immediately turned away as he...cried? What's he crying for? In that brief moment, Nate felt sympathy for Ren as he placed a gentle hand on the werewolf's shoulder. And then he looked at me. "You almost died. Fical was able to stab you with his claws and inflicted poison on you. It was just below your heart. Luckily, your familiar was able to save you just in time."

Just then, I remembered seeing Fical's demonic face as he stabbed me in the stomach. I remembered the shock and the tremendous pain that it came after it.

Custard escaped Ren's grasp and buried his face to my neck. 'Master, I waited years for you. Please don't leave me.' I noticed the tremendous shake that Custard was having and it was not normal. A thought suddenly occurred to me when I remembered the rule about healing.

I grabbed my familiar's head and looked it in the eyes. "Custard? Who took the pain of the poison when you healed me?" I demanded even though I already knew the answer.

'I did.' He said. It was pretty obvious with how Custard was shaking and the strong panting that he was giving off. 'It's fine, master. I can endure it as long as you won't leave.'

"Go on. Rest now." I whispered in his ears. Very slowly. Custard rested his head onto my lap and I could not help but watch as he shrank in size and back into the small wolf that he was. I guess healing me really took a lot out of him.

I carried his sleeping form and placed it into the bed that I was laying on. "Rose, are you sure you are alright to even be standing?" Nate asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine." I answered him while looking at the sleeping form of my familiar.

"Well if you are feeling before then we need to go and meet with the chief. It's about time we get that chalice!" Ace says as he moves out of the hut while aggressively swinging the beaded curtains away.

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