Chapter 21 Ouija Board

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Chapter 21 

I remembered nothing. The last thing I remembered was accompanying Nate in that horrible dream. I saw Nate's father dying. His real father that is. And I figured out the person that loomed over Terrence just before the dream stopped. It was a Nymph. The same Nymph that my ancestor handed the wooden chalice to and I know that I have to tell them. The sooner the better.

But the moment I woke up, my body was dead. By that I meant that my body would not move. A doctor came in and told me that I was temporarily paralyzed because I completely exhausted my magic. My aunt and the king were there looking worried but relieved that I was going to recover in a few days. Most that I actually did was sleep. I really wanted to tell them, but the most that I actually did when I'm awake was eat. Maids would pamper me in and out. I may be out of it but I could still hear a few conversations but I couldn't tell who was talking.

"'s been 3 days. You think she'll be fine?"

"Of course she'll be tired. Two straight days exhausting her magic."

"Hopefully we can do something about it."

"What does she mean about asking my father?"

"That's what I wanna know too."

It's the princes. I want to move and tell them the truth. To tell them but my body would cooperate. Damn it!

Then one night, I felt someone slipping something on my wrist. I heard Custard making a sound. I heard the stranger shushing him and ordering him back to sleep. Then the warmth was gone and I could feel my energy coursing back through my veins. The next morning, I felt better and I was back to my very cocky self. There was a weird sort of charm on my wrist. A bracelet made of leather.

I was eating breakfast when the princes came to visit. The maids immediately placed a shawl over me before they allowed them inside. "Hey." I greeted and shoved a mouthful of eggs in my mouth. The yolk dropped and dropped from my lips and onto the white bed sheets. A petite maid immediately came to my side and wiped the yolk from my face.

The princes walked with a grimace on their face as they saw me eat. I mean, who can blame me? All I ate was soup and some porridge for the past few days. I deserve to splurge a bit with my appetite. I watched as the maids quickly prepared seats for them at the side of my bed. Ren was sitting the closest to me, next to him is Nate, and finally Ace.

"Slow down. No one is going to steal your food." Nate says as he watches me eat.

"Yeah." I nodded and pointed at Ren with my fork. "Except for teen wolf over here, who's eyeing my bacon!" I glared at Ren and moved my plate away from him. "Get your own!" I snapped at him.

"I-I wasn't looking at the food!" Ren blushed. What a liar.

Nate snickered beside him. "Care to share where you were looking at?" Nate bit his lips to prevent himself from choking. My eyes went wide when I realized what Nate just said and immediately pulled the shawl back to cover my bare shoulder. I pointed a glare at Ren. "And I thought Nate was the pervert!" I yelled. This time, Ren was the one who laughed while Nate who had a look of disbelief on his face.

"I wasn't the one who looked! It was this mutt right here!"

"Foul! Both of you." I whispered sinisterly at them.

"I swear every time you open your mouth a fucking argument starts." Ace sighed in his hands. "We came here for a purpose. You mentioned before about Nate's father-"

I gasped loudly. "How do you know about Nate's father?!"

"He told us everything." Ren said.

"What a scandal, right?"

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