Chapter 13 Farewell Party

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Please read A/N at the end. :D

Btw, I really had fun writing this lol. Hope you guys enjoy reading it!


Chapter 13

"Nate, any more running and this training will do me more harm than good." I panted. It was 6am. Freaking 6 AM! I want to sleep more instead of running for who knows how many laps already.

Nate slowed down a bit and was running backwards to face me. He wasn't even breaking a sweat. He simply gave me a teasing grin. "Rose, you do know that you only did 5 laps, right?"

"Only...five you say?" I glared at him despite how tired I was. "You're saying that as if running five laps is normal."

"It is."

"Admit it, Nate. You're just here to torture me."

"You should be thankful that I volunteered for you. Aside from Ren, who is currently busy with planning his twins' farewell party, there is PRINCE Ace you know. Or would you like for me to call him instead to train you?"

"Oh my! The weather is too great to sleep in. Nate, let us jog some more!" I suddenly felt motivated to run after picturing what kind of torturous training I would get it ever this bloodsucker decides to call the demon lord. Custard, who was running beside me, whimpered in protest.

In the end, we did 3 more round before Nate realize how fatigue I was. He accompanied me under one of the trees where a picnic blanket and basket was prepared. "Here, drink." He handed me a cup filled with water. I took it and drank it greedily. I coughed when the water went down the wrong pipe.

"And that is why you should drink in sips especially when you are tired." He gave me an amused look as he handed me a napkin. I didn't respond as I took the napkin and wiped my mouth. I watched as Nate took a bowl from the basket and filled it with water for Custard. Custard wasted no time as he greedily drank. "Just like your master." Nate chuckled and I was surprised to see him petting Custard affectionately. Custard stopped drinking his water and stared at Nate's hand. I could just picture the look of surprise on my face when Custard licked his hand affectionately.

"What kind of drug did you feed him? Fess up, Nate."

"How rude. I love animals. You see that my horse in always in a good condition. Even Cloud."

My gaze wandered to the castle. I sighed. "It doesn't seem real."

"What do you mean?"

"Dan. Leaving." I shifted from my sitting position. "I mean isn't it going too fast?"

"Well from what I have heard, it's long overdue. Plus they are mates. It's their tradition."

"It's kind of sad not having him around."

"Peace and quiet for me." Nate mumbled. I reached over and hit him. "I'm kidding! We still have the other twin, who's equally annoying."

I laughed. "Be honest, Nate. You still can't tell them apart."

"How can I even do that when they do their best to confuse everyone? Are we even sure that Dan is leaving and not Ren? Or is Daniel actually Ren? Or Ren is Dan, who is pretending to be Dan? Or-"

Before he could continue, I shoved a sandwich to his mouth. "Just stop talking before you also confuse me?" He nodded and started eating the sandwich.

I got up and dusted my pants. "I think I should go now since we're done with the morning training. I want to help with the party. It's the least I could do for Dan."

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