Chapter 2 Define Babysitting

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Chapter 2

"Can you please bring me five pairs of trousers, t-shirts and shoes fit for um.....say 5 year old kids?" I was in my room talking to a maid just outside my room. I left the door slightly open so I can talk to her without showcasing my room.

"Yes, princess..." The maid wore a strange look on her face at my request. In which I felt the urge to throw in some sort of excuse.

"I-It's my hobby! I....want to um.....dress my pillows and pretend that they are kids. You know. Practice for parenthood. Ahe he....." Now I want to slap myself and wished that I kept my mouth shut.

Fortunately, the maid didn't say anything more as she left to get me what I asked for. As soon as she was gone did I let out a sigh of relief and locked the door behind me.

After the princes became babies I immediately rushed them in my room wearing only their oversize T-shirts and polo shirts. Well of course Custard helped me since the twins seemed to find his tail fascinating and used it as bait for them to follow us. I figured that if anyone else would see the princes in this state it would cause a ruckus. If only I can get to the queen. Maybe she knows how to turn the princes back to normal. Of course I cannot do that with them wearing.....well something inappropriate.

"Gimme! That is my pillow I found it." I looked up to see baby Nate pulling on to one of my pillows that the twins sat on. His red hair is in a tangled mess as he fought with the twins.

"You left! You left! Therefor it is ours." Baby Dan said holding on to his big brother baby Ren.

"Don't be mean to my brother, vampire, or I will hit you." Baby Ren puffed out his chest trying to look menacing, but from my point of view, instead of a bear he looks like a teddy bear.

Baby Fred is where I left him. Sitting on a chair while his eyes looked around in wonder. As for baby Ace, he kept on trying to open my balcony door by jumping up and down. Well actually he already managed to open my window and is now about to jump-

"HOLY CRAP, ACE!!" I immediately scrambled to my feet and dashed for the balcony where baby Ace is about to jump. I grabbed a hold of him just before this little devil kills himself and carry him back to my room. I then locked the balcony door and placed a vacant chair in front of it to prevent Ace from doing anymore suicide mission.

I looked down to see baby Ace glaring at me. If he were his old self I would have glared back, but looking at him now, chubby cheeks and all while glaring I just can't help but think. Awe.

"Stop laughing at me. I am a PWINCE!" He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah sure you are, your highness. Now would you please go and sit somewhere and behave?"

"NO. Not until you help turn us back." Hm.....and turn him back into a jerk? Ha! Not a chance. At least not yet. I want to enjoy seeing them as kids because.....well cuteness is enough of a reason.

"I'll give you a cookie." I bribed. And just like any kid I saw his mouth quiver and shake.

"F-Fine." He says and goes to another vacant chair to sit.

I breathed out a sigh of relief thinking the worse is over, but I was wrong. Sitting on the floor near my bed is Nate crying.

Oh boy.

I got up from my chair and rushed to Nates side. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asks.

Baby Nate points at the twins. "They won't give me my pillow! T-They v-von't even l-l-let me sit on the b-bved!" He hiccuped as he cries.

"There there." I patted baby Nates back to comfort him when he suddenly hugs me as he cries. I look at the twins, both looking guilty as they sat on my bed. "Why don't you let Nate on the bed?" I asked sternly.

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