Chapter 66 Waterfall Action

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Chapter 66

"Malduk?" I gasped and then I sat back while looking at the ceiling and I started to think. "Wait. I don't remember. Who is he again?"

'I...' Custard paused and looked at Viex for help. Viex simply rolled his eyes at him.

'Princess, Malduk is the evil spirit who possessed you. Remember when you bathed in the spring to purify yourself? That was the guy you purified.'

"Now this I am following." I nodded. "But I thought he was...purified? Like gone forever. How was he able to possess Custard when he was vulnerable?"

Viex started shifting on his paws. He somehow felt uncomfortable. 'Because you can't simply get rid of someone whose other soul is still living. Previously, there were two royal guardians. Malduk is the other.' Mine and Custard's jaw dropped at the news. Viex simply used his tail to shut Custard's mouth. 'Also, he is my brother. When King Ferius died, he was the one who lost it. Since we share the same soul, I was tainted as well. Fortunately, I was locked up before it consumed me and I was able to bathe in the spring when I woke up.'

Viex and I looked at Custard long enough that he started to feel awkward and hid his face with one of his paws. When he peaked and saw that we were still staring at him, he laid down and covered his face with two of his paws. 'I didn't know! I swear I didn't know. He never told me!'

Viex looked at me. 'Malduk must have sensed an active tamer when you arrived that he suddenly decided to attack that village. I guess, in a way, he's still a royal guardian after all.'

"He won't suddenly turn evil, right? And how do they do it? Morphing without the use of my magic?"

'Honestly? I don't know. Malduk has been awake for a long time. I simply can't tell what he's done for that to happen.'

'But!' Custard sat up immediately. His face looking determined. 'He says that he won't harm you. He swore.'

I looked at Viex. "Viex, why do you look like you want to dissect Custard?" I asked. Custard jumped and immediately ran to hide behind me.

'Don't do it. Don't do it!'

'Relax. I was just thinking if I can trust that guy who once turned evil. If he wants me to trust him then he better prove himself.'

'Malduk says that he's helping you right now by letting me take full control of our other form.'

I pointed at Custard as I looked at Viex. "Fair enough. I mean, he does have a point on that one. And we need at least one of you to morph right now." I looked at Custard. "Can you show us that you can morph at your own will?"

Custard nodded. 'Yes. But Malduk says that the maximum amount of time that I can morph without your help is 10 minutes per day.'

"Well, I guess that is long enough." I said.

Custard looked cautiously at Viex. When he saw him nod and moved to the side, Custard took that as his cue to move to an empty space. As he started to change, his fur turned black and his eyes turned red. His horn was longer than when he was a white wolf.

'What do you think, master?' He asked with a goofy grin on his face.

"Custard, that is amazing!" I whispered. "I mean, yeah it kind of looks intimidating, but I trust you. And I think that it is perfect!"

'Should we leave now?' Viex asked.

I looked at Custard's form once again. "You know? I think it would be difficult for us to leave now. I mean, it would be easy to spot a black wolf in the middle of the day, right? How about we do it at night?"

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