Chapter 98 The Raid

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Chapter 98

I woke up early the next day as we all started to prepare ourselves. But I, on the other hand, woke up especially early because I wanted to make sure that everything was settled.

Plus, I was getting nervous about all of this as well that I just can't get a few more minutes of a shut-eye.

I already have my shirt, chainmail, vest, trousers, and boots on. Now, I was contemplating wearing the gloves that Eltur and Darem gave me, but I decided against it as it would only hinder my grip on my whip.

As I got out, I noticed that Nate was outside of his tent as well and just doing a few stretches. He must have heard me stepping out because he looked back with a tired and nervous smile on his face. "Hey. Good morning, Rose." He greeted me.

"Morning, Nate." I greeted his back as I held the tent open for Custard and Viex to run out. "Sleep well?" I asked him.

Nate nodded. "Yeah, even though I am nervous as hell." He admitted. "What about you?"

"Hmm...I feel like you're pretty much doing better than I am considering that this is my first time joining a war." I admitted. "I'm afraid that if I screw up my part, people will get hurt in the process."

"Don't worry," Nate assured me. "You're not going to fight alone. Look, you have those two adorable guys who are....looking up at a tree...? What are they doing anyway?" Nate had his eyes fixed on my familiars, who were somewhere behind me.

I looked back to see that Custard and Viex were staring at something in the forest just behind our tents. Custard started to sniff the air and his tail began to wag excitedly.

'Master, it's master Ace!' He yelled and ran for the forest. Viex ran and followed after him.

Hearing his name, I smiled and gestured for Nate to follow. "Come on." I whispered. "It's him!" I told him.

"How can you be sure that it is him? For all, we know it could be some monster. Let me try something first." He says and started raising his hands in the air. "Oh, great PRINCE! If you are there, let your presence be known!"

As soon as he said it, a black crow came and started pecking his nose. "Hey! Ow!" He reached up and grabbed the crow.

"Pretty sure that it's him." I told him while looking at the crow in his hands.

Nate shrugged. "Nah! Still not convinced." A second crow appeared and started pecking him again. "Ow! What the hell!? There's two of them?!" He was busy swatting away the second crow that the first crow got free and started pecking him as well.

Now, Nate was getting harassed by two crows.

I rolled my eyes as I was starting to get impatient. "Stop fooling around!" I grunted and started pulling the sleeve of his shirt as we headed into the forest and followed Custard and Viex. It took quite a while but we finally saw him by the river where Midnight was taking his drink.

When Ace turned around, he didn't look surprised to see us there. Instead, he looked annoyed. "Took you guys long enough." He says.

I ran up to him and tackled him in an embrace. "Good morning to you too." He greeted me with a bear hug. When I moved back, he was looking at Nate. "You're here as well, third-wheel?"

"Seriously!? We are going to war and you still have time to diss me?" Nate frowned and wrinkled his nose at him disapprovingly. "That's rude." He says and then turned back to look into the forest. "But not as rude as the two of you eavesdropping."

At first, I thought that Nate was addressing Ren and Dan, but when I heard the malice in his voice, I knew that it couldn't be them.

Then I heard footsteps in the forest and Ace pulled me to his back to hide as we all waited in anticipation to see who would emerge. It was just Brandon and Liam. The both of them froze the moment that they saw Ace because as far as they know, he wasn't supposed to be here.

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