Chapter 51 The Young Prince of Tereau

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Chapter 51

I was sitting crossed-legged on the ground and dragging the stick along the dirt in boredom. "Any luck?" I wondered out loud without even looking at them.

"Umm..." I heard Ren tailing off that I had to look up to see him glancing at Ace hesitantly.

"Can useless people shut up? I can't concentrate enough to find them." Ace snapped at us before going back to placing his hands on a tree to concentrate.

I let out a tired sighed as I continued to doodle on the ground. We were finally back on the surface, but we could not go home yet because our horses are missing.

Well, not really missing. More like...okay fine! They're missing! And Ace is trying to locate them.

I turned my attention to Viex, who was busy sniffing around and exploring our surroundings. Custard was following closely behind him and would sniff whatever Viex was sniffing. "Don't wander off too far." I told them.

'We won't!' Custard answered me as he kept following Viex like a puppy.

"Found them." Ace finally says.

"Really? How far are they?" Nate asked as he got on to his feet.

"One of them strayed away but is closer to us than the rest. Pretty obvious which one it is. In fact, she's here already." Ace crossed his arms over his chest as he said it.

I stopped doodling on the ground to look up at him. "She?"

Viex and Custard both let out a terrified yelp as they scampered away when they heard loud and crazy gallops on the ground. Cloud let out a neigh as she emerged from the forest and started acting like a crazy stallion. Her head whipped around until her eyes fell on mine.

Ohh f*ucking hell no.

I screamed as I half crawled, half ran away as Cloud started chasing me. The loose saddle on her back began swinging back and forth from her movement.

Nate moved between Cloud and I. He gave her a stern look and grabbed her reigns. "Easy. I know you must have missed her but you are going to hurt her in the process." Cloud calmed down a bit, but her foot was still stomping on the ground and letting out a desperate whine. "Hey." He chastised her while gently stroking her mane. "I won't let you get anywhere near her until you have calmed down. Should I hire a tutor for you again?"

The sound that Cloud made was like a gasp as her eyes went wide at Nate's words. Immediately, she stopped struggling and sat on the ground.

"Good girl." Nate praised her before looking back at me. "Alright, princess. She's calm now."

I looked at Nate doubtfully before walking towards Cloud. "Hey, Cloud. Long time no see?" I smiled at her and started to brush her mane. As soon as I did, she pushed me to the ground and started nibbling on my face.

"Hey. HEY! Nate, you said that she's calm!" I yelled as I tried to cover my face with my hands as Cloud continued to smother me. "Lies. LIES!" I accused him.

"Rose, trust me. This hurts me more than it hurts you. She was such a well-behaved white stallion before." Nate sniffed.

It wasn't long until the rest of the horses came and we finally started to fix and rearrange their saddle and reigns.

"Nathaniel. I have to go now. I'll have to go back to Gija and retrieve the weapon for Rose." Terrence says. "I'll be back soon."

"Father, wait." Nate handed him Ryde's reigns. "You can take him to make your journey faster."

"Cool. Nate can ride with Cloud and I." I immediately said while pushing Cloud's face away from me. I was now covered in drool and I have yet to whip my face clean! "Please. I badly need help and she only listens to you."

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