Chapter 9 Fiancè

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Chapter 9

"Rose, wakey wakey! Time for trainey." Ren and Dan sang happily as they knocked on my door. I was a bit grumpy when their knocking did not stop. I got up and glared daggers at the door. Custard was stirring beside me, not happy to be woken up either. I rubbed sleep from my eyes when the twins suddenly burst into the room and I screamed bloody murder when they decided to open the curtains.

I hissed like a feline and hid under the sheets. Custard must have sensed my distress and was on full alert. When he saw no danger, he just gave me a look that says 'seriously?' and went back to sleep.

"Rose, the sun is barely rising. And you are not a vampire. You are a tamer so act like it." Ren says. I couldn't see him through the covers but I could sense that he was smiling.

"Oh yeah? Then how does a should a tamer act then?" I retorted and then followed by a very long silence since Ren couldn't think of a response. Custard stirred beside me and I glared at the sleeping little wolf. Some spirit he is. Lazy bum. Well he is m spirit animal.

Dan snorted. "She got you there, brother."

"Shut up, Dan. You are not helping." Ren growled at his brother. "Rose, I will count up to 5 and if you won't get up willingly then I will have to bring you with me. By force."

"Well that's something I would like to see." I heard Dan sigh dreamily so I uncovered my head to give Dan a disgusted look.

"One." Ren started to count and earned a glare from me.

"Two." I rolled my eyes. He was a pussy. He would never resort to kidnapping.

"Three." He continued. I stuck my tongue out at him and went back into the covers of my bed.

"Four." I hope they'll give up soon. I just want to go to bed.

"Five. Okay that's it." Suddenly I was wrapped like a cocoon in my own blanket when Ren rolled me. Then I was thrown over his shoulders as he carries me to God knows where. In my cocoon I could feel Custard grunting unhappily at being kidnapped along with me. So Ren was now carrying two struggling fugitives in a single cocoon blanket. "Must you be dramatic every morning?"

"Must you all have to be such an early person?" I retorted and when I felt where his ears are, I let out a high pitched scream. Ren yelped in pain as his sensitive hearing got a full blast of my scream. Suddenly someone uncovered the cover from my face and stuffed my mouth with an apple.

"There. Now that pig is ready for roasting." It was PRINCE Ace. His hair was disheveled as if he had just woken up. He was glaring at all of us as if we were mere peasants. But truth be told, it was the first time that I have seen him this tired. "If you're trying to kidnap someone at least do it right." He said grumpily and turned to return back to the library.

In turn I spit the apple in m mouth. "Hey, you can't simply shove an apple into someones mouth you stupid bookworm!"

"I just did. Now I don't see why you make a big deal out of this. Honestly, first order of business and I get to see your face." He sighed.

"Oh no you did not. Let me at him, Ren! Let me at him!" I screamed and started squirming making me look like a worm.

"Rose, hold still." Ren said. Struggling to keep me up his shoulders.

"Don't even try to bother me." PRINCE Ace says without turning back. "You should focus on your training, because as you are now, you can't even touch me. Not with that heavy legs of yours." And then he was gone into the doors of his beloved library. Such a bookworm indeed.

"Well that was anti climatic." Dan said.

"One of these days." I gritted my teeth. "One of these days I will make him bend the knee to respect me."

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