Chapter 29 Royal Duty

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Chapter 29

"Unhand me you weird looking peasants!" Ace snapped at them, which honestly did not surprise me at all considering his awful temper.

"You were trespassing in our lands." A large muscled guy said, which I assume is the chief. His skin was very tan and he has a bunch of tribal red and black tattoos all over his body. He was actually the very first man who met PRINCE Ace's glare directly, which made me think if he has a death wish.

"Sir, with all due respect, we were just passing by. We're lost. And our friend is missing." Nate says and nudged Ren. "Help me out here!" He hissed at him.

Ren nodded and looked at the man not too happily and scrunched his face up. "Listen, pal. Our friend is missing and if anything happens to her, I am going to hold you responsible!" He said and added a growl at the end.

I was glad. I am really glad that they are alive and well. Maybe I can convince the people to let them go and we can all talk to them in peace.

"Speaking of that girl, I will bury her alive if I ever see her!" Ace added.

"You two are seriously not helping." Nate groaned with a shake of his head. "I am worried about Rose too. I wonder if she's still alive."

"Yeah." Ren agreed. "She is very clumsy and could be in big trouble without us."

"Well of course! That royal klutz is a pain in the ass! Stupid incompetent fool." Ace screamed and started to struggle against the ropes.

Very slowly, I backed away towards the tent to disappear from their sight. The curtains swallowed me until I was safely inside and hidden in the tent. I was biting my nails aggressively. I can't believe it! They think that I am so incompetent that I would need them to save me. How dare they.

I will show them incompetence!

I puffed my chest up proudly and turned around to slap the stupid curtains away and finally revealed my presence. The beads from the curtains jiggled loudly making a few people turn to my direction.

"It is her! The beautiful Goddess!" Someone yelled.

I saw Nate perk up and turned his head around with a huge beam on his face. "Beautiful Goddess!? WHERE!? I want to see the beautiful goddess!"

That stupid womanizer!

Our eyes suddenly met and there was a weird look on his face that made me want to steal the Axe from the chief and hurl it at him. What is he disappointed for!?

"Rose!?" It was Ren.

"No, mortal." I said solemnly and raised my hands dramatically towards the sky. "It is I, Goddess Roselia, who have descended from the heavens and possessed this beautiful lady-" I gestured towards myself. "-in order to serve these lovely people."

"Are you hallucinating again?" Ace was unimpressed at my acting and was looking at me tiredly.

I clenched my fist in anger but I was still smiling. I twirled and danced around until I was standing a few feet from them. "Mortal, it is rude to assume that a goddess is hallucinating." Then I faked a sob and placed a hand to my heart. "How it pains me that the body of this lovely young woman that I am possessing is being verbally abused." I hiccup for more dramatic effect. Then I carefully peaked at them to see their reaction.

They were staring at me suspiciously. "Rose, drop the act. We know it is you." Nate says.

"No it's not. I am a goddess. See my flower crown?"

"See my tied fist that will soon fly to your face?" Ace dared.

"Hey, is that Prince Fred?" Nate says looking at someone in front of him. I followed his gaze and stopped when I realized what he was doing and glared at him. Nate only gave me an innocent smile.

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