Chapter 25 Who's Who?

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Chapter 25 

Wow. This is a long fall. Longer than the first one.

I couldn't see the other princes but I can hear them somewhere in the distance. Screaming with fright. I wrapped my hands around myself as the cold fog engulfed me inside.

'Master!' I felt Custard grabbing a hold of my collar with his mouth and swung me upward. I reached down to grab his fur and pull myself close until I was riding my familiar's back. My knees hugged his body as I looked around.

'Custard, where are the others?' I asked him.

'Sorry, master. I do not know.' He says sadly.

"GUYS!?" I screamed.

A hand suddenly grabbed my hand and I saw a face emerging from the fog. It was PRINCE Ace. "I found her!" Ace yelled out loud somewhere behind him.

"Come here!" I said and grabbed his hand and assisted it to a space behind me on Custard. Luckily, he managed to pull his own weight and sit behind me. I looked at me. My ponytail slapping my face at the action. "Where are the others?" I asked him.

"They were behind me a while ago." He says. It was hard for me to see his expression through the fog.

"Are they going to be okay?" I asked worriedly. "It really is a long fall!" I have to say it a little louder because the air was blowing my voice away.

"They'll be fine!" He yelled. "We'll be fine!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because!" He paused and I could feel that he was hesitating a bit before answering. "I feel life down there!"

"I need more than that to convince me!"

"I can feel the forest down there!" I yelled louder. "And get ready for a rough landing!" He ordered and I felt him pushing my back gently to make me crouch. Lucky that he did because a few moments later, the fog was lifted and I saw a forest below us.

"Rose! Ace!" I looked up and I saw Ren and Nate looking at us.

"Be careful!" I yelled to them both. I saw them nod slightly and readied themselves for the impact.

I gripped Custard's fur a little tighter and let out a yelp the moment we came crashing into the forest. Custard was able to maneuver and used his large paws to kick and leap from the large trunk to tree trunk. It was more than a bumpy ride and it was not fun at all because I almost fell during one of the sharp turns. Luckily the backseat passenger was able to grab my shirt collar to steady me back.

As soon as we landed, I felt like I wanted to puke as I slumped dizzily on my familiar's back. I heard a few rustle of leaves and screams as Ren and Nate fell. I immediately looked up to see how they were doing.

"Damn. I think I dislocated my foot." Ren his and I saw how his legs were bent at a weird angle.

"Let me help you with that." Nate says and grabbed the injured leg and snapped it back to it's correct joint. I grimaced at the sound.

Ren hissed with pain and painfully smiled at Nate. "Thanks. Let me help you with that too." He gestured at Nate's bent wrist.

"No thanks! I am doing fine. I can - AH F****!" Nate cursed the moment Ren got up and fixed Nate's wrist.

"Don't get me wrong. I still want to stab you. It's just payback for helping me."

"I still cannot fathom the fact that you guys are okay after all that." I said and clumsily got down from Custard. My legs wobbled and I face planted on the floor. Custard lowered his snout and helped to pull me right back up.

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