Chapter 84 Pink Aura

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Chapter 84

"No." I whispered. Horrified at the scene in front of me that I had to take a step back and cover my lips.

It was horrible! It's one of my worse nightmares.

As soon as the meeting ended I was just about to head back to the garden. It was agreed upon that the royals will be staying in Thalia for a few days in order for all the kingdoms to get together and have a polished-out plan on how to take down Ferius.

While all the royal visitors were being escorted out to their respective rooms, I went out to look for my sister. It was a good day and I was in a good mood.

It was until I saw THIS!

I was hiding behind a tree and clawing it in anger.

'Princess, remain calm.' He says in a comforting manner looking worriedly at me. 'Please do not act irrationally this time.'

'Calm? How can I remain calm at this!?' I looked at Viex like he was out of his mind. I pointed to where my sister was hanging out with Kellar as they played house with Nora! My eyes narrowed dangerously. 'I wonder who's the mom and dad?'

'Princess Stella and Prince Kellar.' Viex says.

'How'd you know?'

'Because I heard Nora calling them 'mom' and 'dad'.'

'Why didn't you tell me!?' I huffed as I glared at the three kids. Nora was laughing as the three of them walked together. Nora was holding both of Stella and Kellar's hands.

'It is not a big deal.' Viex said tiredly. 'I don't see anything wrong with it.'

'Oh, you obviously haven't read any teen fiction enough to know that this is a red flag whenever kids at this age play house!' I told him as I continued to watch over them like a hawk.

And to think that I ran here just to see my cute and genius baby sister, only to see that she already has a HUSBAND playmate!

I hissed under my breath when Stella and Kellar's gazes met. Viex was so surprised, he almost fell from my shoulders.

'You've got issues, woman. Big time.'

"Nononono." My eyes widened when I saw Prince Chace approaching Stella.

Isn't he suppose to be with his family and settling in?

Unlike earlier, he finally acted like a normal prince and bowed to Stella as if introducing himself. "What the hell is that guy doing!?"

I started to go after them but Viex stopped me by covering my eyes with his tails. 'Can you calm down? They're just talking! Nothing's happening. See -' Viex paused. 'Oh, boy.'

"What? WHAT!?" I moved Viex's two tails from my eyes and gasped. Chace has taken Stella's hand and kissed it!

I screamed and ran for them. As I got there, I grabbed Stella, hid her behind my back, and glared at Kellar and Chace.

Two young and good-looking princes. This is not good. Not good for my heart.

"Back off! I have a fox and I am not afraid to use him! Do anything to upset me and I will take away your essence!" I told them. At my threat, only Chase seems to falter. Kellar just stared at me.

"But I don't have an essence." He says.

Oops. Well, damn. Now I just feel like a jerk.

Thankfully, the awkward silence didn't last very long as Chace looked at Kellar in surprise. "You don't have an essence? Why!?"

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