Chapter 53 Fencing

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Chapter 53

"Rose, come on. Do you or do you not want to go to his coronation?" Nate asked me while I was squatting on the ground and pouting. I was back in my track uniform while having my morning run with the Vampire prince.

"I want to." I grumbled.

"See? Now, less sulking and more running. Come on. I'll run with you." Nate offered me his hands and I lazily took it. I let out a dying groan as I got up to my feet. "Don't give me that attitude. Remember the condition that the queen gave you so that she would allow you to attend?"

I rolled my eyes. I do remember. "I have to at least convince her that I am capable of protecting myself."

"And what else?"

I gritted my teeth. The other condition was all thanks to PRINCE Ace for opening his big mouth. "I have to be able to swing at least 200 without stopping." I said through gritted teeth.

He wants me to swing without stopping? Sure! I can do it. AS LONG AS HE WILL BE THE TARGET! The guy is just like a villain to my fantasy.

"I don't get it." He says. "You keep on mentioning Fred when I am here. Aren't I enough for you?" He grinned cheekily at me.

"No. I don't even know why they ask you to train me." I said as we started to jog.

"Would you rather have PRINCE train you?" Nate followed beside me.

"No. I meant Ren."

Nate scoffed. "If that guy does train you, he would go easy on you. He's a big simp."

I raised an eyebrow at him. The audacity of this guy to even utter those words. "Oh? Then what about you?"

Nate grinned. "Me?" He gestured at himself. "I am perfect!" He boasted and flipped his red glossy hair in the air.

"Perfectly annoying."

"I am perfectly the right choice for you. Because I know when to be nice and when to not be nice. The mutt is too soft on you while the PRINCE is too harsh." He counted the points with his hands and placed them in front of me so I could see his valid points.

"Alright, Nate. I'll give you that. But what else?" I challenged him.

Nate smirked at my question. "I know how to keep you motivated."

"Don't tell me that it is a portrait of Fred because believe me. I prefer if he's here than him being a picture."

"Nah." Nate dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. "I got something even better." He went off the track and picked up a white sack and rummaged through it. A few seconds later and I saw him pulling out a black snake and grinning proudly at me. "Are you ready to run, princess!?"

My eyes widened in horror when I saw him jogging back towards me with the snake in his hands. I screamed and began to run faster. "GET BACK!"

"His name is Smoochum. And he wants a kiss!"

"You kiss him!" I dared to look back just to glare at him. Nate was bouncing up and down happily as he continued to chase me. He was humming and holding a snake like a lunatic!

"His name is Smoochum and he wants some kisses!" He chanted happily.

"Balance my ass! You want me dead?" I demanded as I continued to run for dear life.

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