part 11

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And here it comes part eleven . Finally !

You will maybe think it is going to be lame if I say that Russel said that the girl of his dreams was me. But that is the unchangeable reality that might not always be likable for us . I learned this after a couple of days but it didn't matter to me and I don't know why . I mean he wasn't the first , but i knew he was different  and he was ....  I really loved him but not in that way. And i did't wanted to change anything between us , but he kept telling me :

I'll wait for you till forever . Even when you marry another guy I'll still be waiting . You are the first girl of all that make my heart go race so fast . You are my sight . Whithout you I couldn't see. I will never give up on you even if I am mad or worried . You'll always make me okay . You change me , you make me different . The person who I want to be . The person who I really am .

So what do you think about this now huh?!? What should I have done ? I knew the feeling he had , because I had passed something similar to that if you remember from the past chapters . I knew what he was going threw and I was sorry about that . 

I told him so calm and clear what I really wanted and he agreed but i know that he didn't really wanted it and  I guess he did not have another choice . 

I tried my best . We always talked with each other and i can say that we always were together . His eyes sparkled so beautiful . He seemed so happy when we were together . 

And now from the other side there was Dany boy just like i liked to call Daniel. I also loved him so much . I don't know if you remember what I said when I first introduced him ..  I'll said again . Since the firs day I met him I created trust and I would kill for him .

And that is so funny because I don't even know why I have always thought like this . I called him my king . He was just like the brother I never had . Supportive , like.. all the time . And always advising me about what should I do . Helping me when I was in trouble and protecting me from everything dangerous . (hahaha  just like in the movies)

I really didn't understand so much why Jane did't like him . Anyways we all had great time when we were together and my opinion is that ... That was all that mattered. 

I think you know happy endings , just like in Cinderella or SnowWhite or many many other fairytales. That period was just like it you know ? I cannot describe it with very big words , but I thing it was worth it . My grades were getting better . My parent were okay with me , and they also let me some space to do what I wanted (of course after the lessons). My band was getting higher and all my friends ... we knew how to make every second so beautiful. 

You are allowed to think that that was the end of all my problems and then we all lived happily and quietly ever after ... And that's it.. 

But look guys , my story hasn't finnished yet because I would like to have something like this , but sorry that wasn't at all(like that) . But there was a quiet period as I mentioned . And then lots of unexpected news happened . So thats it for now . Thank you !


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