Part 19

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And here we are ! Again , what can I say about this whole situation. Of course I don't know !

O my god I just loved Bruce so much. Now that is all I can think about . He had everything that I had always dreamed in a boy and even more . He was the perfect sample of who I really wanted to spend my life with and I just loved him . How can I say it and describe it just for you to try to understand what kind of feelings I had for him . I didn't even knew why I loved him so much . Bruce ! The moment felt like it was true . Only one from those feeling that I had only red in two or maybe three books and still can't be told the way how much and why and even how I loved Bruce .

I didn't care about other boys . I didn't care about my everything when I was with him . He made me be the best version of what I could be you know ?

Simply , perfectly and undescribingly I just loved Bruce Peterson and that is a .... something it can never be changed !!!

I loved him . And I knew he loved me too. Or at least I thought so , just to make myself more happy .

As always I write a couple of sentences and then I say what I really want to talk about in the chapter I am in . So right now I want to concentrate more in my friendship with everyone .

After two or three days , I can't remember it exactly after whatever kind of situation it was had been calmed a little I got a text message . Can you guess who was it from ? Of course none of you can think it was Daniel. Because it was he !

But I can say sure that, that day made me feel so good , however I was still guilty of what was I doing , I had this release talking to him. We talked all day . I missed talking to him . I had forgotten how it felt to have a friend as Daniel. Anyways , he told me he was sorry it had happened the way it did . I am talking about the way he just left me , didn't talk to me and everything else . Of course I forgave him . I trusted him after all and everything .

I also told Bruce this , and he wasn't happy at all. He told me not to talk to Daniel anymore . That was an order . I could never understand why he always had the theory of me not talking to anyone else except him. Like I had to give up from all my friends , starting from Jane ... And I was like what???!!!

I made a mashup right there , so I'm just saying that Daniel and I became friends again , and I was really happy about that . I was! .

From the other side I'll talk now About Bruce hahaha again !

So ... How could he stop me talk to Jane ?!?!? I just couldn't belived that ? Just how could he do this in a time when she was "his sister" too ? You will never understand how jealous and furious I was at the same time with what he was doing . But you know what ? I tried to keep calm and just see what happened .

He also told me that if I wanted to be with him we had to have some conditions in our relationship . You know that I loved him , and of course I would be agreeing with it and everything he said . I had lost in his love , and I didn't wanted to know what happened around me . For some that might be a sad truth when reading it , but I know that did make me feel good and ...It was beautiful as long as I was pleased .

I wasn't allowed to talk to Jane and Victoria . He also did not wanted me to talk to Daniel and expesially Russel . But the reason why was really just beautiful . He said to me :

Look ... I know you might be dissapointed from this or anything and everything I say . Forgive me! This is just because I really love you , and I never want to lose you . It's not that I don't trust you , but I don't trust those around you . I don't want you to be hurt ... I don't want anything to happen to you . I'll never forgive myself even if you just are a little dissapointed from them . I love you and you know this. And I know you love me to . I am sure you do . I could never ask god give me anything more . I have everything I need .

As much as I wanted to talk after his word I couldn't , because I didn't know what to say. I have never known If you noticed it .

I was okay with everything . I also had everything I needed .

Sorry for any possible mistakes and if you like my story please vote or comment .

After everything happening , I'm not sure if every teenager's life is like this or was it just mine , but all I can say is that I was confused all the time . I tried my best to implement all Bruce's wishes . And I did them true .

But there was always a question in my head . Why did he have to talk to Jane when I couldn't . But I couldn't stop him just like that . My love was unconditional , for that I'm sure . I just wanted him to be happy . And I wanted me to be happy too . I wanted US to be happy TOGETHER !!!

I had been with Bruce for like two months already ! And however , it was like a small infinite of happiness he gave me for those two beautiful months . Although... I still felt guilty for what I was doing to my mom . Every night I went to bed thinking what would it be to her . I was sorry , but I loved him .

Let's move on

I don't want to talk lots of words nonsense , and I'll try to summarize what I want to say .

It was just so special . We made so many plans together . Like when we finished school , we would do our real marrige. Live in our house . Have kids . We had so many many plans . Ant that was even better. It made me belive in dreams , what we were doing . We lived in dreams together .

I loved him ........ but i always had this question on my head :Does he feel the same whay and have the same opinion as me ? Does he Love me back ?

Yours Sophy !

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