Part 7

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Her smile was just like a syrup for that moment and everyone felt peace and hope . We all knew it was going to be okay . But there was still a question inside my head that wasn't leaving me alone . Really ? Just like that and it was over . I don't know what was going to happened with Michael or neither with John but i knew that I would try my best not to think  about it...

The worst thing that might had happened had then passed away . We were all more confident . Things were starting to get better that's one thing for sure . But you know, everything in life has its own ups' and downs' .

You know what I did ? Well, I was tired of all these love problems , bullshit and drama and I forced myself in the most cruel way to let it go and not think that much about anything . I don't know how (I've never known anything if you have noticed) but this actually worked. I started letting it go . I met lots of new people and some of them became part of my life . And this my friends  is what part seven is going to be about . The new people that entered in my life. And then things started to complicate again . Belive me as beautiful it is , my life sucks . And this is the truth I can not change . 

I hadn't forgot Michael but i knew he was never going to love me . But as I said I moved on and made the new friends that I mentioned . Well this is how it happened. I volunteered in... well we can call it something like a part time job . I played guitar . Had I mentioned this before? Anyways that was the job about . We were like a big band about 10 people and the truth is that we played really well . And we just went to different restaurants and played our music . But it was fun because we were a bunch of teens who just enjoyed what they were doing with their friends. And so the band :

First of all it was our strict manager Rose,Daniel on violinn , Russel the main singer of the band as we called it , Henry our  clarinettist , Hendrick our bas guitarist, Nick our other  violinist and last but not least me the guitarist and the two sisters that were like fans Jane and Bella .

Yes . We were not much in number but we had a great time togeather . And lots of crazy stuff . I'm gonna make a description for each one of the band members so you can be more familarized . 

Rose. She was a short skinny girl with brown hair and eyes and full lips . She was the manager of our band and she was always strict and amonishing us. 

Daniel. He was handsome brown hair and green eyes . He was one of the two violinists of our band and he was always straight to the point . 

Russel. the amazing singer we had. Not to tall but okay . Always on good mood and funny . 

Henry, handsome and trendy . He was also very talented.

Hendrick a healthy boy . Very much talented and he could also sing pretty well. 

Nick our other violinist . He was tall , blue eyes and wore glasses. 

Jane and Bella the two crazy sisters but most loyal persons that  someone could have as a friend . 

And that's how and where and when all the everything started ............

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