Part 23

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After all what happened , it was just my opinion not to continue writing ... But I knew I hadn't done anything , and it killed me the idea of not having to write this , or not following my dream . For the moment I was just concentrating on how to write what I wanted and not having to deal with anything people would say , because after all I didn't say who they were in real life . I mean yes , I hadn't insulted them or anything . I just based their personalities in my characters . And said it like a story (everything of it was true) to everyone who would like to read it . I don't want Jane to stop me do what I want , so hell yes I am going to write this . We only live once right ?

Things were going terribly wrong for me I guess. I mean .. Dude who would ever wanted to have to wake up with the love of their life in their mind, in a time when they knew that the person didn't belong to them.

I was so busy thinking about Bruce that I forgot that there were so many people around me who loved and cared for me . That was something that didn't help the situation at all. I felt just so empty even though I could be surrounded by so many people . One of the worst feelings , dying inside while you are still breathing . While you are still alive .

Why couldn't I just be like Jane . Not to care at all . Because what happened was , .... well they broke up after three weeks together . Wow it must have been such true love , because they did all the bullshit you know ?? Like , Jane who destroyed a friendship like ours , and Bruce who showed himself as a liar and such a low pig to everyone that ever knew him . Well , what can I say ? I've said it all , and still haven't talked nothing !

I just loved Bruce and that is it . It didn't matter who the heck he was or what he did . I just was in love with him. And the funniest thing : I didn't even know why.

That's funny ! That's pathetic !

Anyways , in this chapter I want to explain clearly everything else that had happened and was happening . Also I want to give you guys a chance to see again only in just a few sentences , what happened (to be more clear for any possible questions). It looks like it passed slowly , but it was just the opposite . So ... Bruce left me for Jane . I was hurt. Russel John an Victoria came in my life again letting the past flow away , and pretending to be like it never happened . Two groups were created . One who hated Jane and the other that supported her . Then Bruce and Jane broke up. I was going insane because in my mind there was only a person , and only a name ... only him !

So the other stuff .

Rose and I created a very beautiful relationship of ours . We became soon very great friends . We understood each other and everything . I started seeing Russel and John . Everyone was happy that we were again together . As for Tory (Victoria) well , I can only say that she really was like a person that I never thought she would be . I mean , as the logic says I should have been mad at Jane , and she did it for me . And that was one of the reasons that I loved her everyday and more .

Bella also has her part in this story , she always was trying to keep me smile . She got back together with Mathew and this time they promised they wouldn't let anything make them fight with each other.

So these were something more like from the outside .

My school was going bad. As my parents said the worst thing for a girl . I was being so irresponsible and careless like they said . But I only had a B . Well you know what ? I felt like , actually I didn't care about the color of the Alexander III curtains were . I didn't care to know where Nagasaki lies . I didn't wanted to learn how to find Pythagoras amount of squares. I didn't wanted to learn how a spaceship is built . All I cared about was Bruce . And that was one of the reasons I wasn't going that great at school .

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