Part 17

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And here we were all happy and... in love and, whatever those feeling were . Hahaha I felt like flying everyday . Everything had a beautiful new look and everywhere I was going , well it looked different. like for example , walking down the streets and thinking about Bruce every second of my time breathing I could see all the details everywhere . Even the smallest details . While thinking all the time I had this song and its lyrics in my mind which had stuck in there. I could see happy colors and not just the grey street you know ? Like I was high without any drug or something . But perhaps love was my king of drug . And did I mentioned ? Every time I thought Bruce , there was something in me that just didn't wanted to . I had no idea what that might be , but I can say that it was really stressing and it made me feel like all i was doing was wrong. I still kept doing it . I thought that it was real love . I couldn't ever leave him . I finally loved him and that was it !

Time spend talking to Bruce I always thought it was so short , because every second passed so quickly . But no ! It was just me thinking like this . I had been with him over weeks now. I was just happy . But when I was with him I didn't expressed it in any kind of way , because every time I looked at him I lost in his everything , and that is the truth. I had dreams that made whatever it was more magical than it could actually be . And I couldn't feel more alive . And I didn't know this feeling did even existed !

As always one day we were talking on the phone . And it was like .. I'll show you :

Bruce : Sophy?

Me: Bruce ?

Bruce: Do you want to know a secret ?

Me : I do , please tell me !

Bruce : I think this is true i love you

Me: (blushes and screams inside) Can I tell you something too ?

Bruce : Tell me

Me: I think I love you too !!!

We could spend hours talking like this , and never got tired. (because the day we were making this conversation , it was actually late in the morning or night .. I'm confused . It was 3:30 am .)And then he was like :

I Love hearing your voice , falling asleep with your sound in my ears , and all my existence being .... like this

It was pretty , because the way he spoke , made me feel like the way he was feeling and yes it felt good ! I was honored to know that I meant something for somebody....

Sing something to me please ! He said with his beautiful warm voice . And I have to admit that a sleepy voice like that , well,, I couldn't say no. So that was it . I finally had to sing the song I had all day in my mind .

I could hear myself saying slowly and then singing it to him :

And she didn't know how to tell him .. She was in love with a rastaman !

I could understand he was smiling .

Let this be our song . Rasta love .

It fit perfectly for us . And I remember that day I had this beautiful , but non sense dream . Like we were together and we were singing with each other . And when he said he loved me his nose was just like Pinokio's , it grew itself . Do you know that character ? If you don't , well .. he was a wooden boy whose nose grew whenever he lied . Anyways let's move on , I saw that and in my dream I told him ..." I believe you . I do . And I love you too ." And then we kissed . And he was just like before , but that kiss ... It was just like he's lips were air , but I couldn't breathe ... I couldn't breathe .

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