Part 24

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So ... here I am ...

First of all I am sorry I haven't been updating , there were some problems in my health .

Hmm, so I guess this will be my last chapter , and the end of my book. I want to share with you so many things , what happened after and my opinion about everything and ... well what I actually learned from all this .

There are so many things , that I'm afraid I won't tell all what I want , because I always think so much and say so little .

Really in my life has happened so many unexpected things , and from people I would ever expect , for good or bad .

Have you ever heard about "karma" . I didn't know what that was until Victoria explained to me one day.(What goes around , comes back around. So with I understood karma means what you do , will be done to you . Every action has a counteraction)

She and some other friends of mine had to make something they would really enjoy remembering . And what they did was to put a trap on Bruce . I wasn't okay with that , but I mean ... Look how bad the condition was . His own friends , the ones that he called really good friends wanted him to suffer . This was all because they could see how was I after what he did to me . They decided to make a girl be with him just to make fun of . It worked . His own friends were taking revenge of him For me . I didn't know if I should had thanked them for what they did , because I didn't like it , but somehow it was a really nice gesture . Because if you see it in this way ,they did it because of my friendship with them . I wasn't mad at him although I should had been and still,,, and they were mad at him , however he did it all to me .

Even with Jane was the same thing . I just didn't talk to her anymore , and they kept having that anger for her you know ?

As I said ,I learned a lot of things . One of them is that , while you are having the journey of your life, not everyone will understand it , but you have to live it like you know .There are moments when you will pass different storms .You have to fight in your own way , and then , only after those you realize who the true friendship is . Your circle might decreases in size , but increases in value .

So everyone , the ones that I didn't mentioned in here , and the ones I made chapters for ,I am thankful for everything they have done , and I know they will do for me .

As for everyone I mentioned in the chapters before , well , everything went great with everyone .

I think angels exist . Some of them don't have wings , and they stay with us . They're called best friends . And they can see the truth and pain in you , even when you are fooling almost everybody else , with that fake smile we all do most of the times .

There might be times when we argue , fall out . But we make up and fall for each other . We won't speak but chat to each other , that's what makes us a family . We might not have it all together , but together we have it all .

That's what I've learned .


So what happened next . One day I was sitting on my bed , near the window . It was almost midnight . It was hot , because it's summer . I watched the stars for hours . The moon , and the sky so clear . and dreamed different scenarios in my head . Thinking about everything . And suddenly so inspired I had this idea of writing a song . The words were being sang by themselves in my ears while I was imagining .

"And I don't want you on my story .... I don't want to love you anymore ! "

And suddenly I heard myself singing out loud .

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