Part 6

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And then as the story goes ...  Here is something that i would like to call " A destiny turn " I know it's not such a beautiful name, but that is okay . Do you remember when Michael said that he'd do anything not to lose Victoria ? He kinda kept his " promise"  but I'm not saying he did . 

The time did started to heal some things . But not Victoria illnes . Neither her family or me did not know how did she got sick. But I can say that she was really bad . I don't know what it was or if it was something like viral but I decided she was my bestfriend and I could not let a boy destroy our friendship . It would be needed more than just that . So Tory was sick . All of us went to her house every single day to visit her , but she was not getting better . Michael was also there . He stayed there for hours watching her beauty . Did he really loved her ? I could not understand . At the other hand she was getting worst everyday . High temperature , fever and swallen lips and stuff . These were the sympthons. Day by day her beauty had started to go away .

And the one day her parents did not let me get in . O my god . What had happened . I needed to know . Was sh okay ? What if ...   No , no that couldn't be something possible . But there was nothing left to do . We all waited . And the hours were just so long . One day passed . And then another , but still we didn't got any news . A week passed and then ... I got the call we were all waiting for. 

She was okay . It was all okay . But the disease had made her own job . I went to see her . Her face was not the same . Her hands were swollen . And wow. But she was still the same person . All i could think is what would be happening next . What would Michael think ?  There were so many thoughts and so loud that i couldn't even hear myself thinking .

It was about time . Michael had to see her too . 

He came inside Tory's bedroom . I don't know what was the look on his face . but i knew it wasn't something good .They both started crying . Then he said :

I'll keep my promise and love you forever !!! 

Then , just like she knew it wasn't true said simply : I'm not asking you that . I can  see you do not love me anymore . I'm not the same and I am truly sorry about that .However I would like to be friends .

A smile . That was all we need . 

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