Part 16

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So as I was saying everything was going well and just great . Jane , Bella and me talked all the time about these three boys who had came in our lives . Well, we were together all the time and we talked only about this , and the fun part is that we never got tired of it !! We talked like everywhere : in the classes , when we were out , at Starbuck's hahaha  that's just funny how much we talked about them. 

And yeah ,that is it ....  kind of ! There's actually so much more I want to say , but I really do not know where to start .  So many things happened and I really want to say the way how they did, but I always get stuck and however I write something isn't always the way I want it to be , so sorry I always  delay just a little with my chapters and of course forgive me for possible mistakes . 

Here we go ! 

Just like always I couldn't understand why everytime I heard his name or something that was related to him I got that smile on my face that I just couldn't put off. Even if I was upset or something I still started smiling for no reason.Just by hearing his voice I felt alive .

And as I said Bella and Mathew the most unusual couple had started to make my wedding planes ! I know that is hilarious , but yes it is true . Bella sent me everyday fotos of wedding cakes and lots of bride's dresses and she always was like : "So this are the dresses and cakes that I have decided for you . Now you just have to chose the perfect one. But of course i suggest this and that ..."  while showing me two of the fotos she had . Mathew was taking care of the suit and rings.Mathew and Bella made the situation so beautiful that they made me thought everything that was happening was completely true . 

They called themselves our marrige godparents and they were happy with their roles.

However I knew it was just a kind of game they were playing I just felt like I didn't wanted it to be like this. Not even a game . I just shouldn't involve myself too much in this , because as always I just don't know why. Yes there was something like a reason for this in my head and I guess it was just the idea of falling for someone . The idea of falling in love . I mean that is just absolutely crazy , because until that moment I didn't belive in such things as love or anything like that ,and that was also the reason why I did not wanted to involve myself in the situation i was already in .  Perhaps I am talking just a little nonsence right now, Yes I know because I have a caos in my mind and I am not even understanding myself .

But after all it was just pretty the way that it was and made me not wanting to end..   

But I knew somehow one day it would , so in lots of thoughts I just decided to enjoy everything . To live in the moment . To fall in love ....

And so everything started going very well and great . Everything changed you know? I mean , my grades were always getting better because I kept telling myself that if I finished everything I had in school I would talk more with Bruce.  My family was okay . We were having fun with each other everyday and more .

My friends even better and happy .

So this chapter is not anything new , just what happened by the passing time .

One day (as always) we were out . There was Jane and her sweet boyfriend Alan  , Mathew , Bruce and me . Everything was going pretty well actually untill we saw Russel. I was like shocked at that moment because I wasn't expecting to see him there , but I also missed him so much at the same time and I didn't know how to act . I saw that Bruce didn't like him that much . They were kind if frienemies ("friends" but enemies) . Anyways he was okay for Russel to come with us . We talked so much and had such a wonderful time . It was nice to talk to Russel .I told you that I loved Russel like he was my brother .I learned so many new things. The band was doing so great and had a huge succes . They were giving a big concert the other week . Daniel was great and everyone else also ! Nick had something with me ,Russel did not tell me what, but I thought that it was something related to Daniel. Russel's grades were also okay . He had met a new girl, who he liked a lot and that made me happier !!

Anyways ,after a long walk we had it was time to go back home . I was really sure there was nothing wrong talking to Russel , but imediately after we greed each other and seperated , well, let's say that I had a small little fight about that with Bruce. 

Apparently Bruce didn't wanted me to talk to him again. He had this thought that Russel wanted me for some weird reasons in his life . I didn't believe him, but anyways I did not waned him to be mad at me or anything else , so I promised him that I would try not to connect that much with Russel. 

That shouldn't be happening , and I was so mad at Bruce at first much I forced myself not to talk with him for the whole night. But I think that is a hard punishment for both because we weren't used not to talk to each other for such a long time . As I said before we were talking all day and night long with each other.

 I knew I hadn't done anything wrong , but I felt so much presure . Anyways I talked about this with Jane. She was actually very supportive and calm. I talked with her all night that day , I remember it like it was yesterday . She was talking all night with me , but not only with me . She was also talking all nigh with Bruce , and she all the time she was like : "He's talking about you! He's saying ....  etc etc " 

Sleeping was difficult that night . And the whole day after that . Anyway, we met each other and we both said sorry about what had happened , and also he held me like I was some kind of diamond stone . Precious and rare ,... I felt so beautiful those moments. It was the first time he was saying it to me directly , looking into my eyes , and watching me loosing into him's.....  I Love You ...  

Well, !!! What can I say ? You know any kind of this feeling ? If you don't I can say that it's like magic . Like you are the only one who has hope . Butterflies in your stomach. You're the only one who can see a painting out of the frame . Feels like you have the power to change the surroundings . It's like not seeing anything else except your future in his eyes . And it doesn't matter where you are , or what you do or look like , because you know that he's one of the persons that makes you happy , and you think : "Wow , I want to stay with this person forever " . You love him or her , and you know it is the same thing about you in them ...  Something like that kind of feeling . 

All the three couples , we were fine ! 

And that's it for today.  

Yours , Sophy !

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