part 10

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And so in such few time many things changed . Rose started following my classes and we started staying together  most of the time . They became my good friends. Rose , Bella , Jane and me . We weren't the fantastic four , but we were okay with each other. I have to admit that they were really good listeners. I didn't know if they were passing something similar to me , but at least they pretended or maybe they meaned it ,like they really cared about my problems after all . All I can say is that I loved them and they became like sisters to me .

So the problem is that one of these sisters of mine (i meant Jane) didn't like Daniel and Russel a lot but she was fan of our group , so she  had to get used to the idea of having them around for some time .

And here it really starts part ten .

As usually we were at a concert in a vilage near the town. After we finished went out for lunch . We went to a beautiful restaurant . I was sitting in the midle of Russel and Daniel as usual when Russel said :

-As you know I like this girl. And she means the world to me. And I think my feeling are true . So tell me . What should I do ?

Well , why don't you just ask her out ? Does she like you too? 

Jane was looking just like she know what was going on, and Daniel suddenly didn't looked as happy as he was. 

then I said : "I mean she's just a girl right?" and looked from all three. 

No she's not JUST a girl !, said Russel angry. Maybe you don't understand but ...  look ...when she smiles it looks like there's nothing bad with this world. When she laughs , o my god her laugh . And the way she talks about her dreams make her so perfect . She's different that's what i mean . She is perfect. 

And I said: Nobody's perfect ! But you love her and that's why you think she is, right ? Every single boy is like that . I mean, he  says that the girl of his dreams is perfect . But no, she's not . Maybe she's just being herself with you that's why you think like that . I really think that you should tell her what you feel because is better to get it out. 

I hope you understood what I just related because in that moment everyone was looking at me like I was talking another language , and I could not tell if they liked my answer so to hide my akwardness i just said :

But this is just my oppinion so it's not that I said anything wrong. 

"You have no idea" suddenly murmed Jane still with the same view of her face . With a very small smile that I didn't catch why but anyways i ansered :


Why should that conversatoin be just like that and exactly in that moment? Why did it have to include me ? 

Anyways we continued our lunch. There was something they hadn't told me because i notticed that Russel was looking at me the whole time and also saying i don't know what, to Jane  . I hoped that wasn't anything bad . 

We still had a great time and enjoyed our lunch. And that's it for now . 

sorry that i haven't been updating . And sorry for my mistakes . I hope you enjoy reading and if you do please make sure you comment or vote ! 


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