meeting me .

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So this is a story of my life, not all of it real but I mean it doesn't hurt if I dram a little and add some more things that would actually make it more interesting . Not being able to do a single thing I want for myself , this is me .

My name is Sophy Walters and I am from a small town In Illinois. I have always wanted to be a writer. That's exactly my dream but I never thought I would actually publish any of my creations because no one has ever stimulated me . I really didn't think i'd do something as crazy as this because it has always been difficult for me .

Everytime i wanted to write something it really did'n went out , I got stuck in every single word . Belive me it sounded much more better in my head , but still i want to give it a try ... What would i lose after all ?! As I sayed before some of the parts in this "story" of mine are just my imagination so as the fact that I'm from the USA .

Sorry for my english guys , but i really hope you'll enjoy reading ...And so let's keep starting .

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