Part 12

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And here it comes (as usually) part twelve. I have been waiting for this part since i started writing my book. Because ....  I don't even know why and that's funny , but I am going to conffes something I really don't , but at the same time I like to talk about.

Between Russel and me nothing changed and that was something I'll always be thankful of . So he was my big bro after all. We always talked with each other all the time .

Between Dany boy and me was also still the same , which I really liked . He was always laughing and I can describe him as a person who lives every second like there's going to be an end soon . He enjoys live . And is passionate about it.

And then ...  one day I received a call .

It was about Daniel . He was at the hospital very sick at the time . He had been trying to kill himself by having a hole bottle of advil . That was such a shocking news for me that I lost my feelings and didn't remember a thing since that moment . With wad i have been told, my parents took me to the hospital and they gave me some pills that made me better . 

But I was so shocked and I couldn't believe it . I just couldn't !!! What was going on with Daniel... The person who loves life so much had tried to kill himself?! What was that for ? What was he trying to do ? 

We decided to met Daniel . I quickly managed to recover myself. I really had to see him . I wanted to know !  We went out of the hospital where I was and went to our car. That day the road seemed so long and endless. Just like the minutes couldn't pass away . It killed me inside when I thought he might have not made through .

And finally we arrived . Rose , Jane , Bella and everyone else was there . They looked worried . I don't actually remember what happened next , because my heart was beating so fast. Jane understood my condition and she came and gave me a hug. Bella didn't wanted to stay anymore and left us alone .

We went at Daniel's room . He was much better . We felt released. I saw him in the eyes. His eyes were so tired and black . I couldn't see him like that . Like he was suffering so much about something he couldn't tell anyone ...

And we all got better . He was going to stay to the hospital for another two weeks till he was completely okay .

Days passed , but It looked like they were never going to.

Bella was of course the person who made me meet other people . She thought that it was okay to meet new people and have a little fun . Anyways , I admit that I had and still have some very good friends .

At the time I also found wattpad and all the kind of stress that I had or whatever it was , let's say that I felt so much better when I wrote . And I felt like I had just put off a big weigh of my shoulders. This was my dream at the same time , so I started writing and was determined to make it come true. And I really wanted support from anyone who actually reads my story. I mean coment if you like or don't,  a specific part . Just let me know . Let's keep going now!

It was okay and just okay!

School was going just fine and my family were more released from this side. I passed at all my classes and I even was the best in a few of them . I was getting better . Daniel was getting better . We were all happy .

My band had also a huge success . After some talent searchers had seen us they wanted us to perform to a live show . We liked the idea and decided to try our chance . They were really nice with us, and this made the time we spend there better and much more beautiful.

I found myself in music and writing . I found who the real me was by trying . I did the best I could . I tried to be positive.  And I expected a big reward about it .

But myself knew that if I was that happy something bad was going to happen unexpected.  I don't know why I have always had this theory. You might think it's funny but maybe that's just the way I think.

And that's it for this chapter . i know it's not much but please forgive me , I have been so bussy . Anyways please if you guys like my story make sure you comment or vote .

Sophy !

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