Part 13

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I know I haven't updated for long . I'm sorry about that if you are someone who cares to read it . I hope you like it , because there's not much support or anything else in here . Anyways let's move on with part 13. If you like my story you you already know what to do . 

I can't say much about that period of time because it didn't have anything special . Just some little ups' and downs with Daniel and the band, but also John was another page. 

As the time passed , let's say that John prediction came true and we did't talk like before . 

And as for Daniel, he got much better , there wasn't anymore any risk for his life . He totally recovered from everything . Everyone enjoyed every moment we were together .

Then suddenly Daniel made something like a smack down in every meaning of this word . He started not talking to me anymore. He deleted my number from his phone . He also blocked me from facebook twiter and every kind of  social media connection . What do you think about this ? What did I do wrong ?!?!? What on earth had I done ? Why was he like this sereosely!  Just why . I mean , we were like sister and brother .We loved each other so much . And then , this happened. 

I could have said whatever at the time , but believe me it hurted more than it actually looks... 

I was a kind of person that was really sensitive hahaha !  I don't even know why I have always been like this and I have suffered a lot even for the smallest,  dumbest reasons in the whole world. I am one of those kind of persons . 

The band was doing so great , but our relationship with each other had changed or it was just me that just couldn't feel the same anymore . But something happened , : I couldn't stay with them anymore. I didn't have a specific reason for it . I had to give up my band even though it was hard . 

Life is hard huhh? Let's keep going. 

I still loved music , and I left band anyway . As i mentioned at the time I had also found wattpad . I started writting just something like a kind of essay before, but then I had this crazy idea to write about me and here I am , writting now happily.

My family wasn't supportive about wattpad at first. It was their opinion afterall that wattpad might be a whaste of time , but maybe they're right . It's not that I'm having any huge agreement or success in any kind of way. I really want to win an award or something !  I'd really like to .

In this part I want to talk about the friends I started making. So, from now on I'll ....  lets say that I'll make a more common description so if you want you can imagine a scene or whatever . 

What i really want to say is : 

Imagine a party . hahahaha sounds so funny  ! Anyway i'll keep going without interrupting anyone.In front of me there was a room full of people. Loud noises everywhere. Metalic music was being played on the radio. Uncareful children the same age as me were drinking lots of unnessecary stuff, you know what I mean . And then , from the other corner there was a boy . I stared at him like all night. His eyes were shiny , and his cheeks were red. His black hair was so perfect ,looking the same as a rastaman . His lips were full. His body was uncontrolable hot ! He had the thing i called the perfect everything . I'd really wanted to say we started talking so much and we became such good friend until a day , just like that all sudden i was being called his girlfriend , but it didn't happened anything like this. He didn't even notticed someone like me was there . 

I didn't know him . I didn't know who he was , where he lived ...  I didn't even knew his name . He was just a boy I saw at a party and nothing else. 

And then one day ...  Omg so excited to talk about this part of the story well , I learned that he was just ..  you know..  Bella's boyfriend bestfriend . At that moment a bomb. Ow I forgot to talk about him. So , Bella had a boyfriend who she loved so much. But let me say the truth guys . He was a dumb . He wore glasses not to long hair ,  Funny laugh and a cute smile although. So one day we were talking on the phone and suddenly he said :

I have someone here that wants to talk to you . Hum give him a chance I think . 

And That moment my heart started beating so fast . My palms were sweaty . I was nervous , but still I answered like it was omething really usual to me .

Sure , why not , I mean ,..  hmm .. What could probably go wrong ?!

Nothing much except you won't like me I guess.

These words I heard from the other side of the phone . That moment the first thing i thought was just : Why does his voice has to be like this man !! ughh I'm so mad right now!!!

Hi ! I said so unusually

Hello there ! Your voice seems so nice now that I am actually hearing it !

Hahaha thanks I guess.. 

So , my name is Bruce Petterson ! I saw you at the party . I'm sorry I was staring like that ! I saw you notticing that.

Oh no problem at all! And I was like blowing inside . He saw me ! He actually saw me . I was so happy that I couldn't even think what I was saying or what I was going to say . 

It's actually kind of a funny story , but I'm in love with you . Do you believe in love with first sight ? I actually didn't until I saw you !  Humm, And now this awkward moment that I am hearing your voice and it's perfect . I think i am in love. It hasn't happened to me before with anyone else. I know you might think I am a total jerk and an obssesed guy but trust me I am not . I can barely talk right now because my heart is beating so fast . I have never felt like this before . Sophy Walters .... I really  belive in this feeling of mine! You are the one ! I have seen you almost everyday . I know most of the things about you . I have been studying you and ,.. I didn't expect myself to do or feel something like this and that's the way it happened . 

At the moment of course I was shocked ! All i could do is think , but believe me I wasn't thinking well . I was like: 

What on earth did just happened right now . He just saw me once in a party and so suddenly he is talking to me and says he's not obsessed , but he says he  knows everything about me , and believes this is true love in first sight?!?!? I mean dude, you are only 17 true love does not exists .

I'm impressed!  Whattt, what was I thinking ?! Why, Why did I say that ?

I would really like to meet one day , perhaps go out or let's go to the movies whatever you like . 

Perhaps ! I said . 

He seemed more relaxed and he was comfortable. I understood this because he started talking more slowly and quietly . His voice was just like music at the time . I felt for him that's something sure I can say . 

Then he said : Okay ! I am really happy we talked . I look forward to see you . I hope you do too and  okay ! 

Of course I wanted to talk more to him but not knowing how I just said simply and lovely:

I am happy too , and of course I am looking forward . 

I heard a small little laugh from the other side of the phone and then I closed it . And this smile on my face which couldn't get it of however how hard I tried. I could hear my heart on my ears and i can try to lie but i can't actually lie because i liked him to . I didn't know how it happened , but I was happy it did . Is it just me or everyone feels like can't wait or the time doesn't goes when really want something to happened.?

I tried to pass the day inconspicuosly. I helped my mom with the housework , did my homework , cleaned my room , I was ready for anything to do only just  not to think about him . 

And then... I got a text . He had my number on his phone and we just talked all night long. We found so much commons , we laughed , we smiled ,..  We were happy!   

That's how it goes i think . Eventually (In a record time of knowing me like 2-3 days) he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was cool with that . 

So this is it for this part . I know these is to little since I last updated , but I hope you like it , and if you do please make sure you vote me or comment . Thank you ! 


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