part 2

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So this is kinda how everything started . As usual me and my best friends were out for dinner . It was one of those cold winter days. Standing quietly in my thoughts I noticed a boy.

 Sound funny when I say it like this but believe me he was not like the others . He had the perfect blue (like an aquamarine colour) eyes , blond to brun hair (something in between) and damn he was tall. I had been staring at him for a while . He saw me .

Oh my god what now I was thinking to myself .

I quickly managed the situation and tried not to look at him . I was so shocked . Why would I act such foolish . I couldn't stay anymore without looking at him . I rolled my eyes to look for this guy that all sudden had all my attention .

What?!  There was no way he was coming towards me . This isn't real . Why did I keep hearing these words in my head . I mean it was just a boy right ? My cheeks were all red and I felt something weird on my stomach . He came so quietly and peacefully .

Hey guys how are you doing . Oh my gosh..  his voice!!!

Hey Michael , nice to see you here . He was a friend of  Victoria , who actually was my best friends . We met each other in kindergarten and we didn't seperate since then . But anyways we're talking about the boy here .

Why don't you join us ?  She said happily . And the answer of this question :  Gload to ...

She said Michael , let me introduce you to my two best friends Sophy and John . 

Nice to meet you John !  Said he and then he turned opposite me : And nice to meet you Sophy , that's a really nice name . At that moment i could not thing of anything else besides "thanks Michael . I'm happy to meet you too.."  

What was wrong with me. I did not know what to do or say , so i just decided to stay quiet. And yeah yeah as the story goes the dinner wend okay and bla bla blaa. If only it was like that because being quiet is not my thing you know?! ...  I wanted to know every single thing about this guy , every detail. I wanted him to be mine and I couldn't even understand why .

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