Part 20

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So here I am here , writing about chapter 20 which might or might not be the chapter I was waiting since the beginning to talk about (I think is the third time of mine saying this about a chapter) . It's like 2:30 Am and this is the eleventh time , perhaps twelfth time that I'm writing the beginning of this chapter , and still I don't know how to say when and what. There are so many things that happened after whatever.

I want to start by saying that everyone of my friends and family heard about my book or this that I am writing , and everyone started reading it . Hmm I have had some support lately . I really thank everyone about this , and I am happy to share with you guys what has happened to my life mainly this last year .

So let's keep going .

I always had questions in my mind just like I told you in the chapter before . One day those became so strong . I felt I had to know the truth . Here's what happened without getting longer and more :

So I told you before that Bruce didn't wanted us to break up or anything like that however what my mom said . One day while we were talking as usual he told me he had to tell me something . I wasn't expecting anything not natural for him and I just said him to go on and speak, but what I heard was really something to be shocked about . His exact word were this :

"So here's the deal ... Lately I have been thinking so much about me , you , ... About us and everything else . So I have this idea in my head , only if you agree . I know it is going to be hard for both but , I think it is better if we are just friends you know Sophy ? I mean your mother promise has made me feel so guilty lately and I just can't stand anymore these feelings . "

"What ?! What are you saying . I know I made a promise , but it doesn't matter if I love you , because Bruce .. unfortunately I am so in love with you . How come that just so sudden you are asking me this , when you promised me you were never going to leave me ." I told him with my trembling voice , while feeling my heart beating faster than ever , and in the same time hearing it to my ears .

"But I will wait you ! Till the situation get a little in our control . I know perhaps you do not like the idea when you first hear it , but think about it my dear Sophy! We can still be together , but for now just I want you to keep your mother's promise . I want everything to be right . "

As always, I was in shock . A lot of thoughts were flying in my mind just like a strong tornado . Ruining everything that could possibly be in its place at the time . Probably that moment I said words that didn't make any sense , just like from another language . It was the first time that I knew it was something like panic or the panic itself I was feeling.

And then I heard myself pronouncing :

"Who is she Bruce ? Seriously do I know her ? Is she prettier by the way ?"

Wow .. it was that feeling of telepathy I had . Although I was wishing it wasn't true . I was blaming me for saying that to myself , even for thinking that .

But he said that there was not another girl and that he would never leave me . I thought about all what happened and I try to convince myself that it could be the best thing to do and that there was nothing wrong . Maybe it was going to make the situation better . Bruce would wait me and then my mom and dad would agree for our relationship . Just a small period of time. This was the best right ?

We kept talking that day for a little while . I would say as always , but no . We were both talking lame and it didn't feel okay to me at all ! And then while he was saying me it wasn't going to change anything between us he left the chat . Our conversation was over in just a few minutes time . I thought : "Okay ! He has work to do . He'll be back ."

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