part 4

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As hard as it was I decided to help him . I had no clue why but I still wanted to see him being happy and smile just like before even though he we would be apart. He loved another girl. I had to get used to the idea but it was impossible. I loved him. I really did . So much as it hurt. It killed me slowly inside but I had made my mind up . I wanted to see him happy and that's it. I talked to Tory. At the time she was going at her home for the winter vocations. As much as I wanted to do something for those two I started hating my very best friend so much that... I didn't have a clue what was happening with me. You might think this was normal , but it was so not.! I did not know who I was anymore. I did not know what i really wanted for myself and i did not know how was this going to be . 

And here enters in the story John. My best friend after Victoria . As i said before we were just like the "amazing three" . It was funny how good we were togeather and loved each other when not many did . We were there in every occasion , wether it was for better or worst . Wow it looked like i was singing a song . Anyways let's move on .  

John. He was a handsome boy. Grey eyes and brown hair . He was tall and yes , he had a beautiful voice but was too shy. John had always been there for me and Tory, and i know that he would do anything for us . He was our brother. 

It was weird the way he understood me, like we had the same mind . He knew something wasn't going right . For a reason or another he tried his best to help me . But i was brokenhearted. 

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