Part 22

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And now just being blocked , I don't know what to say. About the situation, about my life , my private one and another side ... The one that knew everyone !

First of all I apologize that I haven't been updating , but my life has just had a period of , i don't know how to express it . Just like in a book, that always has a chapter someone doesn't like . I'm having one of those chapters . When I said this to John , because we still talk now ,however what happened (I also apologize I haven't mentioned him )just like Victoria he was really helpful , and understood my condition . So where was I ? Ow right John .. So , when I said this to him he told me simply ,but those words really touched me . They remain still on my mind . He said to me : " It doesn't mean that an unattractive chapter makes the whole book bad ! But Sophy you have to know that when someone's part is over in your story you have to turn the page . Don't try to stretch a chapter into a book , especially the unattractive ones , because with what you are letting me see right now , I can certainly say that this is exactly what you are doing . "

I know this . I mean , Now I know this ,but sometimes it's just hard to let go !

Have you guys ever stopped and just realized that if you hadn't meet a certain person in your life it would be completely different ?

Anyways , I always make a mixture of feelings and what happened while saying the wrong sequence etc .

So after what happened with Bruce and her and me , as I said before Victoria was one of the two people who helped me the most. I forgot to mention John . He was also the same as before . He asked me to just forget that day because it didn't matter . All he wanted was to be together , just like before , the perfect three .

But what if I was so confused so I couldn't think anymore about another kind of decision I was going to make .

I thought only to let it flow naturally , and just hoped for every best it could be .

I forced myself not to think , but it was impossible . I could try , but despite all the other stuff in there , there was only Bruce and however how much I tried I couldn't get him out so I guess this was a huge disadvantage for me . Just because I thought about him every second and everything I had related to what I was going to write on this story , and now , when it comes to this I don't even remember a thing and don't even have a thought in my small brain ...

As the story goes , of course it would be boring if I say that both me and Bella were just simply broken, but that's it . We were , and neither couldn't find a solution. Wow , crazy to know that the couple you believe that must have had that true love you've always imagined of is not with each other anymore. If you see it from anther side what happened to me , was happening to her at the time , but not that harsh on her you know ?

Anyways ... So after what happened everybody heard about what had happened . There were so many rumors and all my friends were divided in two big groups . Everyone knew the story , also a little changed in a way they wanted it to be . These two big groups were Jane's supporters and Jane's hatters . I know this might sound funny to you , but in my country everyone knows everything , so they always give their opinion about a certain situation however if we want them to give or not .

As I was saying all my friends learned about this . There were also people who I didn't knew that came to me and just said that they were sorry about what happened , and I could ask their help at anytime. I have to admit that I made some really good friends , who I could clearly understand weren't fake , but true and always there for me and each other. Jane had so many haters believe me . Some of them didn't even to approach her , because they thought she was ... well you get what I want to say . But she liked herself so much , that she made a lot of people allergic to her .

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