Part 21

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So here we were with all my story going up and down, and me always complaining about almost everything. I've achieved this conclusion that ... well let's say that things are the way they are , we suffered because we imagined different. But this whole time , was I living by my dreams , and never saw the reality or what was real in my life ? Maybe I imagined more than it was needed . Perhaps that made me suffer eve more the situation. Or that was really a kid love . But if it was like the way it was, then I felt like I never wanted to grow up . I couldn't even imagine Bruce doing what he did to me , and yet ...

I remember the first two weeks that I just couldn't stop . Couldn't stop crying. Couldn't stop thinking about him . I couldn't stop talking to myself . All the time. I remember that I always told everyone that asked me I had passed it and I was okay . Only now I can see that some of my friends never believed those bullshit. I was trying to lie myself probably ! But I wasn't even lying myself !

Wow ... It is really strange you know ? I mean it's so strange the way how fast some people change . It's strange how some memories never die . It's strange the way how feelings remain . Strange the way that , at the time I didn't think I would ever met someone that could really compared to Bruce . I could see all sorts of people in the journey of my life, and no matter who they would be or what they would say , they'd never capture my attention quite the way Bruce did . And imagine ! I could had talked to all sorts of people.

Yet , I still catch myself thinking about the people I might meet . Thinking that they will never be as charming as him , and I know that no one will ever make me laugh quite as genuinely , and the way you once made me ! Some people always say that everyone compares every person with their first love. I personally think that it doesn't have to be true . What I want to say is that perhaps they are comparing them with their True love . With their soulmate .

I do this . I can't talk about the moment , but I can surely say that a week ago , I was sure in myself Bruce was my soulmate . I mean not soulmate only about romance and drama ! You can find it in a friendship too.

Someone once told me : "A girl that has a best friend or a brother is lucky . She is lucky even if she has a boyfriend that loves her. But you know what's luckier, the best ? The luckiest girl in the world would be the one that has the three . A brother , a best friend , and a boyfriend , all in one "

Only that time I could really understand those words . Those fit perfectly for Bruce . It was just my opinion at the time . You might think I was wrong , because it might be a childish thing and I don't really know , but this was the way I thought things .

Wow how much had it changed guys ! I mean Bruce and Jane ?!?!?!?!?!?!? What the hell man ! These two words couldn't stand together in a sentence . And the most painful part of all this , is that Bruce told me he loved her . Once again , breaking your own heart by loving someone who doesn't love you back , maybe doesn't even want to care about you... And you still love him or her anyways !

Do you want to know why I couldn't be more confused ? I'll say it anyway hahaha !

Bruce knew how important were promises to me , and when he saw that I broke one of them , especially the one I made to my mom he said to me :

"I know that someone who believes as much as you in promises would never do something like this . Sophy believe it or not , I am the luckiest person that might be in this world . And now I know that you truly love me . I appreciate what you did for me , and I know it's a sign of a true love . I'll never do anything to hurt you , and I'll try to be the best person in your life . I'll be there for anything and everything that you want me to ! Because I love you !"

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