part 3

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So , what did I do ? I simply asked him about his everything . Without realizing it the time had passed and it was about time to leave.

I had an amazing time . Thank you .

Oh yes! It was still that terrible feeling in my stomach. I couldn't possibly have butterflies over there .

He answered. I'm gload and I hope we can meet again . He's cheeks were a beautiful color . But wait . Did I hear it well?!. I couldn't belive my ears . He wanted to see me again.

I won't lie , I was so happy at that moment that I just didn't say anything more . I went home and tried to sleep but it was impossible. I kept thinking how would our next meeting would be . What we would be wearing or what would we say and I just stayed like that. Thinking . Alone . In my dark bedroom. It was so quiet that it made the atmosphere just so relaxing.

I just couldn't be in love . But when I thought of this it felt like it. I definitely had fallen for him .

As the time passed we got to know each other better . We always went to see movies , just walks , picnics and it was stunning.  We were like the amazing three , Victoria , Michael and me . But that was not enough. I knew it was something I didn't know and that made me feel awful .

And then ... well my every question took an answer.

I was getting ready to go out as usually.  I was really happy. Then the phone rang . Victoria wasn't coming with us . I thought to myself this is going to be perfect . Tonight is the night when he'll tell me he loves me .

But I was so wrong . I met Michael and he looked worried .

Can you keep a secret he suddenly said. Anything I quickly answered. It was my fault that Tory didn't come here today. You have to help me Sophy, I love her I  tried to kiss her and then she just ran away . Please I can't afford loosing her . What should I do ?

And literary these words hurt me like a sharp knife straight through my heart. I was in shock and couldn't say a word , but I did . 

I'd be gload to help you. Do you want to know the truth ? I had never imagined myself saying those words . And that my dear friens is the worst thing that could happen. Loving someone who doesn't love you back. I mean that's only my opinion.

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