Chapter 2

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so I made an mistake on chapter 1 after Guren found Yuu  and and (y/n) 4 years have passed Yuu is 16-15 (y/n) is to be 22 and 4 years have passed so she would be 18 not 22 but in the story she's 22. if you get what i'm trying to say :P


 4 years later 

"DAM HUMAN" a vampire yelled at a human with (h/l) (h/c) hair *sigh* "DAMIT-" with a flick of her wrist she raised her sickle and killed the vampire.

"DAM HUMAN" a vampire yelled at a human with (h/l) (h/c) hair *sigh* "DAMIT-" with a flick of her wrist she raised her sickle and killed the vampire

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she sigh again as she could see more vampires coming her way. "we got this (y/n)" Guren said to her, she nodded and ran away taking down vampires and other beasts that got in her way back home.

somewhere else 

"my lord why are you so interested in this human? " a childish voice spoke up. a low chuckle came from a tall vampire noble. "your dismissed chess, horn" the male ordered. "but why?" she whined  "come on chess don't be rude to Lord Crowley" the blond noble spoke up and dragged the purple haired vampire away. the bulky vampire ran his hand through his red bangs. "why am i so interested in her?" he asked himself "maybe because she reminds me of Aphrodite" he said well turning around to look for new pray. 

with yuu

"yamanaka take the girl and run. now!" "your a soldier candidate, right?! hurry up and--" "it was a lie" a boy with messy brown hair interrupted yuu "i thought everyone will fear me if i said i'd join the army." he finished " pesky thing. know your place, livestock" a pink haired vampire spat. "if your going to interfere, i'll drink your blood first" she said well grabbing a leg of a desk and trying to attack yuu but he dogged or blocked it with his sword.

 yuu cut the pinkette with his sword and grabbed the gun he had hidden and tried to shoot her. "play time to over. you can't save anyone" "once i recover with her blood, ill be no match for you" the vampire remarked well reaching for a girl on a desk and leaning in to her neck."stop!" yuu yelled. 

then a dark brown haired boy ran taking the vampire to the ground. "hyakuya!" "yoichi?" yuu asked  "you little" the vampire spat well trying to attack yoichi but yuu blocked it with his sword. 

 "impressive, yoichi" yuu prasad.  "w-well we're, friends, after all" yoichi said. which surprised yuu. the vampire took the chance to grab yuu's neck and push him out the window. 

yuu and the vampire fell down yuu got the sword to go through the vampires stomach "ha you really think you can kill me with a pesky sword?" "but this will" a female voice spoke up "b-but how?" the vampire asked "hum who knows"

 she flicked her wrist with her sickle  and the vampire turned to ash only leaving her clothing behind "(y-y/n)" "yoo yuu" (y/n) said waving and smiling at him. 


thanks for reading, sorry its so short :P

 -luna asher (author) 

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