Chapter 4

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"(y/n)~~ " someone whispered well pocking your (s/c) cheek. You cracked one eye open and looking to your side, to see shinoa smiling kindly at you " morning ( y/n) did you sleep well?" She asked tilting her head to the side. " Yes i did sleep well, thank you. Where are we?" You asked " were still on the road" she signed.
You hummed telling her you heard what she said. You stretching and rubbed the sleep from your (e/c) eyes, You turned your head to the car window watching as the broken buildings, over grown trees and plants even the cracked road the car was driving on zoom pass, blurred by how fast kimizuki was driving.

"um guys? " "no dont slow down, that's a noble run him over! " Yuu said, you looked over the front seat so see that indeed it was a noble. "Get ready to jump!" You yelled grabing the door handle, also grabbing shinoa's arm and jumping out of the car. Letting go of shinoa and landing on your hands and feet in a crouching position.

Looking up to see the vamp had picked up the car and was getting ready to chuck it at your small group. Your eyes widened moving out of the way of the flying car, when the vehicle hit the ground it exploded.

Flipping your crescent moon penitent in the air it turned to your Scythe. Yoichi shot arrows at the noble vampire, but it was blocked and and flung away. A blast was aimed at yoichi, but shinoa and mitsuba ran over to block it with their own weapons. " he's strong " shinoa said.

" ok ever one get in to formation, he's welding a first class weapon. No one fights him alon-" you yelled but was interrupted by the bloodsucker appearing behind you. " fuck" you wispered under your breath, you blocked his sword with your Scythe. You took a step forward and pushing his sword off your weapon going after him with your Scythe. Your team mates ran to help you out, you moved your Scythe in circle move ments sping around with your weapon in an elegant dance. Blocking his attacks and throwing your own in the mix. Yuu ran up behind you and knocked his sword out of his hand. He jumped back a few metres.

" say your pretty strong for a human who are you exactly." He asked " lieutenant (y/n) (l/n), say who are you?" You yelled back at him. He chuckled " 13th progenitor Crowley Eusford, my lady" he smirked bowing. " we have company " mitsuba yelled geting her axe ready. You groaned.

There were two female noble vampires that had landed Beside the blokey vampire, his red bangs swaying in the wind gently. The one vampire had short blue-purple hair her dress went to her knees and she had black heels on, her boobs were out. The other one was much taller then the blue-purple haired vamp she had curly blond hair that went just past her shoulders she also had a white dress and heels on, her boobs were out as well.
Crowley turned his head to the blond Sething his sword. He turned his head back to the group of humans appearing behind yuu " ill let you go for now,  but next time ill drain you all, my little bloodbags " he exsplaned patting yuu's shoulder

" and for you" he turned his head to you appearing in front of you. He grabbed your chin, closing his eyes and breathing in your sent " you smell absolutely exquisite i think ill keep you " he opened his eyes that shined with hunger and lust. He let go of you and  steped back jumping away, with the two female's following behind him

" damn it" yuu yelled " w-we dont have to fight " shinoa clasped to the ground. You just stood their in shock ' what did he mean by that' you asked your self. 
656 words
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~ Luna Ahser   ♡♡

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now