Chapter 9 : Awake

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" They're still unconscious guren " shinoa yelled, she digged in to her pocket pulling out two centers of pills one white and the other red and blue.

" it was these stupid pills that mad them berserk, what the hell are you doing to them!" Shinoa said angrily throwing the pill center on the desk.

" not your business, shinoa. What would you do to inshure the survival of humankind, sacrifices must be made" guren said puting a report on top of the pill packets.

" yuus pills should were off in 5 days if you realy like him be there when he wakes up" guren stated
" what about (y/n)!?" Shinoa asked " i dont know those are new, she'll probably wake up in a week or so" guren said stretching his legs.


"How is she doing? Kimizuki " shinoa asked " she seems fine, but the bite mark has turned in to a scar" kimizuki noted, and she hummed. (Y/n)'s hand twitched she stirred in her sleep, "Crowley?" You mumbled quietly

" uh?" Both kimizuki and shinoa questioned. " i think shes wakeing up, GUYS! " shinoa yelled running out to grab  the team. Shinoa came back with every one trailing behind her.
(Y/n)'s eyes slowly fluttered open " uh?" You asked looking around. " (y/n)!" Yuu yelled jumping on you, hugging your body tightly. Tears pricked the sides of yuus eyes.

"Your awake" he sobbed. You looked at his black hair putting a hand on his head. " shh you cry baby" you laughed.

  "Morning sleepy head" shinoa replied waving her hand you smiled

" thank goodness your ok" yoichi stated and you nod, mitsuba and kimizuki just smiled at you kindly.

" ah what happen all i remember was yuu going berserk" you said. Shinoa frowned " you went berserk as well, and tried to kill guren." Your eyes widened " oh" you note and baired your face in yuus shoulder. " i see" you said your voice muffled by yuus shoulder.


" isnt that lieutenant (l/n)?" Someone an the crowd asked the parson beside them " ya, ant she cool" anther one stated.

Your healed boots clicked as you walked Your (h/l) (h/c) locks running behind you.

" your late" guren yelled " well not my falt" you said walking up beside him as you put our hand on you hip. " then who was it?" Guren asked you just shuged.

'This is going to be a long day' you thought.

Hope you like this chapter, I'm going to start putting titles with the chapters. See you till next time
~ LunaAsher ♡♡

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