chapter 5

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Walking in human territory was dangerous, even if you were human yourself. There were vampires that were hidden in the rubble that other Battles took place, four horsemen of John, heck even humans would attack you for survival it was killed or be killed after all.
You looked up watching the fluffy white clouds slowly move to where ever they felt like, in your peripheral vision you could see the run down buildings, being clawed down by the vines and trees. It was amazing how mother nature could take back her rightful throne in just 8 years.

" hey (y/n)" a voice that belonged to mitsuba interpreted your train of thought. " ya?" You answered looking over your shoulder at her. " whats your demon serious, i havent seen a weapon like that before" she asked slightly confused, " oh well he's on a class of his own, i think the serious was called The Red Devil Kings but im not 100% " you said tapping your chin thought.

" i hured that serious was an experiment to see if they could make demons stronger and sink better with the human that wields them" shinoa budded in on the conversation between you and mitsuba. You hummed in understanding. " whats your demons name? Mines is asuramaru " yuu said gripping his swords hilt smiling. " his name is Yasha, jeez he was a pain when i first met him " you laughed


The sky was a dark red and the clouds were black, they looked like little black sheep, the grass was a dark gross yellow that was almost a brown. The trees were a deep shade of crimson, the bark was a black charcoal colour and ruff to the touch. The sound of medal craching together filled the area. " you can't beat me (y/n) it's useless, (y/n)-chan~" a very deep voice echoed slightly in the air. " s-shut up dick head" you huft out, out of breath. He laughed patting your shoulder "how amusing you are (y/n), lets keep trying" he said moving his long locks out of his face. " what ever yasha"

*time skip*

" Wow these vamps are fairly weak paired to the red haired vampire " yoichi stated " well he was a noble " kimizuki noted, you hummed. " yoichi watch out!" Kimizuki yelled, but in the nick of time yuu protected yoichi. " where's all the other bloodsucker's " yuu asked looking around frantically " yuu, their all dead " you giggled. Yuu staired blankly at the rest of the group " you have to have faith in your team mates " kimizuki stated, you chuckled. " we should get going to the front lines, guren needs us " shinoa said


Your squad ran to help guren and his team, as you saw that guren was being stabbed in the shoulder " GUREN!! " you scratched " GET AWAY FROM GUREN YOU BLOODSUCKER " yuu screams running up ahead. The blond vampire turned his body mumbling something with an annoyed face, but when seeing yuu his eyes widened " no it can't be, yuu " the blond bloodsucker said getting stabbed.

505 words

How did you like this chapter? I think I did pretty well can't wait for next chapter! Welp see you next time

~ luna Asher ♡♡

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