Chapter 21: The Demon

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" your my savour, thank you Crowley "

Crowley paused at the sound of your voice. It was so quiet that if he was human he would not be able to hear it.

But it was like music to his ears, the way you said his name. It gave him goosebumps.
Crowley swallowed hard, your blood was seeping in to his uniform and oh how bad he wanted it.

To taste it on his tongue, to feel it going down his throat. He wanted to drink you dry, to touch you the way no one else did, to feel you, to move in side of you, to drink. He stopped drink? Damn it .

He shook his head continuing to walk to shinoa's team. He then apered in front of the squad. " prepare to fight " yelled shinoa . " whoa there livestock, I'm just here to deliver her" Crowley spoke, gesturing toward you.

Shinoa blinked she was confused at why a vampire wanted to give you back

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Shinoa blinked she was confused at why a vampire wanted to give you back. He took you away once, so why not now? She stared up at the bulky vamp. " what are you waiting for, come take her. She's bleeding out " Crowley spoke . Shinoa quikly took you away from him , being as gentle as she could. Crowley took a step back " see ya around " he spoke jumping away from the team.

Your blood coated shinoas gloved hands, you were bleeding a lot , you could die. The realization hit her like a rock. You could die .

" someone come help me out " yelled shinoa , as kimusiki came over picked you up your blood dripped from your finger tips.

" someone come help me out " yelled shinoa , as kimusiki came over picked you up your blood dripped from your finger tips

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" we have to get going we don't want anyone catching up to us" ordered shinoa as the team started to run again.

2 months later

" get these chains off of me this instent" yelled Yuu .

You looked at him in pity, he was changing in to a demon. Well you turned in to the seraph, Yuu was devord by his desire witch means that his demon could take over. " please mika, ( y/n) take them off, there cold and uncomfortable " he spoke, you shook your head in slight disappointment.

" did you not fucking hear me take theses fuckers off!" Yuu yelled. Mika took out a poket watch and opened it looking at the time. Mika mumbled numbers, counting up. " 120 seconds " Mika said as Yuu's horns came back in to his head. " there you are, morning Yuu " you spoke walking up to him taking off the chains that he ware. " that was 2 minutes more from last time Yuu " mika spoke. " oh? Well it's only 2 more minutes " Yuu shrugged " ya and that's bad " mika spoke strinly. A knock could be heard from the side , you all looked over to see shinoa. " it's been exactly 3 hours since the demon transformation took affect " she spoke walking in.

" is Yuu awake?" She asked " yo, shinoa I just woke up " Yuu spoke waving at her. " oh well good morning then" " morning " Yuu spoke " oh by the way it's been 3 days since you last drank blood, mikaela. You will be needing more blood soon curect?" Shinoa stated. " so? I never asked you to be my keeper- " " mika!" You spoke sternly.

mika ignored you , looking to the side. Shinoa then pulled out a bottle, inside was red liquid, ' it must be blood ' you thought " here mika this is for you-" but then mika smacked it out of her hand.

" hey! Mika that was rude " you yelled " that was uncalled for, mika" Yuu spoke. But then someone bursted in. " Lieutenant ( y/n) please help us, the monsters are attacking again " yelled the man " welp, you heard him" you said as you took your pendant out of your pocket.

" so, feird where are we headed" asked Crowley looking at the blood red sea shore " to see my friends " " you have friends?" Crowley asked a small smirk could be seen oh his face " hey, now that's just mean , arnt we friends?" Feird asked.

" so that kind of stuff takes 800 years? " Crowley spoke " haha I spose " " so where are we really headed?" Crowley asked again " to go to a small fishing village " " oh why" asked Crowley.

" to see precious mika and Yuu , oh also to see your precious little angel " ferid spoke . Crowley narrowed his blood stained eyes at the other vampire noble " why? You better not add her to your little plans, I don't want her hurt or worse dead" Crowley spoke.

" what if I said I was adding her to my plan " asked ferid " then I will kill you right here and now , I'm not letting what happened 800 years ago happen again " Crowley glared at ferid. " I see, so? Have you figured it out?" Asked ferid as he looks at the red banged vampire. Crowley stood quiet for quite a bit. " yes, yes I have" he said . " oh? Really, why not tell me?" Ferid asked even though he already knew. Crowley looked to the side.

" that she's the reincarnation of Aphrodite Hora "

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