Chapter 8

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" and who might you be saint or sinner?"

She asked her voice distorted " stop this Aphrodite!" Crowley screamed at his lover a worried look in his ocean blue eyes.
" answer me human!" Aphrodite said angrily,

" I-I " Crowley couldn't answer he didn't know, her beautiful purple eyes were gone, behind the black liquid that flowed out her eyes. " don't do this Aphrodite this isn't you, isn't the parson I fell in love with, come back to me" he yelled early

I'm Chiyo not Aphrodite your talking about"
she spoke plainly.


'Is this the same thing?' Crowley though to him self.
you wiped your head around behind you as a black and green sword ran though your admen, you screeched in pain. " how dare you touch me with your filth, demon!! "  you yelled.

black smoke come from your wound. Yuu's hand clamped on the back of your neck, picking you up throwing you across the battlefield. you flipped in mid air digging your claws in the ground. " my wound wont heal, what did you do 2nd trumpet, why are you using a demon?! " you screamed.

you speed ran to him, spreading your hand as a white spear formed in mid air you then grabbed the spear crashing it agents his sword, it brock and turned in to spikes piercing in to him. " go away" you then kicked him as he went flying.
 You spered your wings and they made jiggling notices like wind chimes, as you took of in to the air.

You landed in front of shinoa you looked at her and turned around walking to where yuu landed, yuu ran to you, and you in reteron put your hand out and taped his forehead. He screamed in pain as his mess of a wing retreat back in him.

" stop (y/n), you have done enough take control of your body" guren yelled, you looked at him rising your hand " (y/n)!!" He yelled,

you blinked your (e/c) eyes came back you looked down at your hands as your claws turned to liquid, you throw up blood mixed with the white you halo disappeared and your hair went back to normal length. Your wings dripped like rain, your knees gave out as you fell rolling down the hill and stopped near ferid's feet.

Ferid looked at your unconscious body with slight pity.

Crowley walked to your body picking it up bridal style. " how did you like my trump cards " guren asked " well they didnt do much" ferid replied. Crowley stud their staring at you unconscious face as you slept peacefully, he pet your messy hair with his gloved hand. He turned around giving you a forehead kiss,
" i have findly found you, my love" he wispered sweetly agents your skin.

Crowley turned his head over his shoulder " ya but they kept you detracted " guren said as a blast came from a Building out in the distance.

Crowley was forced to put you down to get out of the blast. As the humans back up had came. " lookes like were surrounded " ferid said his eyes narrowed in announce. " i want all the nobles captured a live" a human said

'damit' Crowley thought

Thank you for reading

~ LunaAsher ♡♡

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now