Chapter 11: We're Not Heros

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You stared down Crowley with an ice cold glare, as he just smiles at you 'hes annoying' you thought, your grip on shinyas shoulder tightens as you grind your teeth, tears threaten to fall.
Crowley looks to the side, a smirk plastered on his face, a fang poking out from his pink lip.

" say how about we make a deal " he asked his blood like eyes staring you down with determination. " hell no! " yuu yelled " now now livestock listen to what I have to say " he said waving his hand chuckling slightly.

" I just want her exchange, for him " he stated pointing at you then to guren. " it's still a no! " yuu yelled " aww what a shame " Crowley he pouted. You looked at him confused 'what would he with me?'

Crowley took off his glove and then used his sword and cut his hand. Your eye brows netted together, you felt a stinging pain that came from your hand you picked up your hand and looked at it, the same cut that Crowley cosed on him self was on your hand.

" ah as I thought we're connected, any thing that happens to me also happens to you and other way around, you can't see but I have been getting hurt like you but I heal " he said as he took of this boot and tipped it over as blood dripped from his boot. " see ? " Crowley asked putting his boot on.

" so how about you livestock give her to me and nothing bad happens " he asked shrugging as he put his glove back on. Your eyes shined with worry

' how did this happen'
you thought to your self.

Sorry for not updating this but here you go, hope you like it, sorry if there's any errors.
~Luna Asher ❤️❤️

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now