Capter 15 : Your Highness

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It was dark and cold where ever you were though the cold air blowed past. You opened your eyes to see white? It was cold to the touch you sat up looking around. The wind howled yet a again. It looked to be a garden, but in the middle of winter. you stud walking deeper in to the garden there were trees that were stripped of their beautiful green leaves. The snow crunched under your Weight as you walked you hair bounced as you stepped.

You looked down to see white hair 'huh?' You thought your dress was white as well with red roses around the dress, It was beautiful. You looked at your hands to see long thin fingers the finger tips were pink, probably from the cold. You looked up to see a fox, not any fox it's coat was a fluffy white it's eyes were purple.

" hello? " you called, the fox stud and stared to walk away it's tail waged side to side or well more like zigzag patterns. " hey! Wait! " you yelled the cold air clouded your breath.

You ran after it as the white fox ran away from you. The sound of a bell rang as the fox jumped over a branch, you stepped over it. The fox stopped in front of a wall it was covered in vines. It's tail pointed at the vines, as if telling you to climb up.

The foxes energy was familiar to you, But you shrugged that off. You walked up to the wall, grabbing the vines and climbing up till you were at the top.

You looked down to see a man on the other side. You looked behind you and the fox was gone, 'what?!, where did it go?' You thought you signed, you looked back down at the man, he had short red hair and he also seemed to have old armour on, he as tall to say the least.

'He reminds me of someone' you thought' stupid vamp' you said in your mind. You were about to go back down to the other side but your foot slipped on the snow. " ah!" You screamed as you fell. You shut your eyes waiting for impact, but it never came. " you should be more careful  Princess Hora " said a voice it was vary familiar, exactly like that stupid Crowley. You opened your eyes to meet beautiful blue eyes, they were soft, a safe place calming and peaceful.

He laughed, " quit staring at me like your seeing a ghost" he spoke gently. " s-sorry " you apologized. He let you down softly. " so what's the princess doing outside of the Castle walls? " he asked " none of your business " you said crossing your arms over your chest.

He chuckled, you looked up at him, " uh? Thanks for caching me I guess " you spoke awkwardly. " no problem your majesty, it's my pleasure " he spoke well bowing.

" w-well I should get back " you said turning around, just noticing that there was no way of going up this way. You sighed " umm some help?" You turned facing the red head.

" of course " he said " if you don't mind " he said as you nodded. He got close to you grabbing your hips and picking you up, you grabbed the top of the wall pulling your self up as the man pushed you up. " thanks" you spoke " your vary welcome your highness " " can I have your name young man? " " well of course Crowley Eusford at your Service" he said.

Your eyes widened

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Your eyes widened.

everything went white.

" huh?"

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now