Chistmas Specal

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(modern AU)

It was a cold night you stud out in front of a stop sign waiting for someone though they never came. Tears streamed down you rosie cheeks, flustered from the cold and your crying. You only had your thin winter coat, under that was a red and green velvet dress and black pantyhose with tall black heels. You screamed out at the top of your lungs, A puff of air cold be seen.

Your nose was red you shivered as the winters icey cold grip you. It was Christmas and a cold one  at that.

In your hands griped a gift that you had, you then chucked it across the street. You fell to your knees crying tears poring out of you ( E/C) glossy eyes.

" you look to be in a predicament" a voice fill the air. You wiped you head around " he stud you up huh?" " Crowley " you sighed the sound of crunching snow filled your ears, it stoped . Crowleys hands grabbed a hold of your shoulders putting you in to him.

" your cold " he spoke more to himself then you "hm, I've been out here for how long?" You giggled slightly.

You felt a hand on your head as it started to move  petting you. You squeezed harder as your tears pricked at you eyes, you  digged your head in to his chest

" why? What did he have to do that?" You asked. Crowley shrugged letting out a puff of air that he held in. Crowley dug in to his pocket  pulling out a small black box " here" he said looking to the side, blushing.

You grabbed the small box and open it. It was a ring or not more like a claw but it was silver with a dragon head, in its eye there were two red gems.

" Marry Christmas (Y/N) !" Crowley spoke smiling. " I know it's not a lot but I saw you looking at it when we went out once so I thought you would like it " he said rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled at him . Tackling him in a hug.

He laughed " marry Christmas Crowley " you said in to his neck and he hummed. He pulled back kissed you on the forehead

"I Love You (Y\N)"

he spoke sweetly.

Hope you liked this, sorry if it feels rushed and that it not actually on Christmas . But I hope you had fun, see you later.

( PS not my art)

~ Luna Asher ❤️❤️

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