Chapter 17: To Be Let Go

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' What did he just say?' You thought. You then scolded at him " what's that face for my dear?" He asked tilting his head to the side with a amused face plastered on. You turned your head to the side with crossed arms over your chest. Crowley chuckled and started to walk again, you of course followed. " I'm not your dear" you said under your breath.

You 4 have been walking for some time now or well to you it felt vary long. You then stopped in you tracks as you heard a small meow, you turned your head to the side where you heard the sound. To your surprise there were a bunch of kittens huddled together, trying to get warm from the cold grips of the mean outside. Your eyes softened at the small baby creatures. One of them waled to you rubbing it small furry face up against your leg. You knelled down to pet the small kitten, it meowed at you in content.


Crowley watched as you pet the small animal, he also watched as the rest of the litter came running to you some tripped over their family others over their own paws.

" haha, oh my calm down you fur balls" she laughed, Crowley felt a small warm feeling in his chest as he watched, it reminded him of Aphrodite, no you reminded him of her

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" haha, oh my calm down you fur balls" she laughed, Crowley felt a small warm feeling in his chest as he watched, it reminded him of Aphrodite, no you reminded him of her. Crowley walked over to you and the small cats, he then knelt down beside you petting the small creatures. They all meowed at him in a greeting, he hummed his face softed.

" where's your mother?" He tilted his head as he spoke " did she abandon you all?" He asked " how sad" he said standing up, he then looked at you , your eyes were sparkling with life, you looked up at him and smiled sweetly your cheeks were dusted with light pink.

Crowleys eyes widened as he blushed slightly. ' she's really like her ' he thought " we should get  going, don't want to be late now" she spoke standing up and dusting off her uniform.


You all arrived at the meeting place, you felt uncomfortable with what you were at . There were vampires left and right you didn't know what to do except stay with Crowley. Both chess and horn were gone, in the crowd of other vampires. You looked to the side to see feird standing on a railing, your eyes widened.  " it's nice to see you, Crowley " feird gteaded " you" you said darkly clutching on your pendent. " ho oh? Is it you I see , (Y/N)? Have you been captured by a vampire?" He tilted his head to the side playfully and mocked you. You narrowed your eyes at the silver haired vamp.  " feird, some nobles were killed to day, the humans knew their locations." Crowley spoke ignoring the small talk between you and ferid. " I'm positive that you had something to do with this, lord ferid" said Crowley eyeing him. " I'm hurt, there's nothing worse then selling your own comrades, right? That's dispickable " feird spoke " ya, true, but that's not what conserns me, what bothers me is that you gave the humans my location as well , and here I was under the impression that I was your friend " spoke Crowley " but surely you enjoyed the fight. You also got your little princess " tested feird eyeing you from behind Crowley " well, I guess it was a pretty good fight" Crowley spoke patting you on your head, as you hid from feirds eyes, your hiding place was Crowley. " then you should be thanking me instead, besides everyone knows that we're friends Crowley, no one would subspect that I was the one who spilled the beans " " I see so you are the one behind this" " your only half right-" You then heard a Yelp you turned your head to the side to see guren, getting his head stomped into the ground. Your eyes widened even more.

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now