Chapter 1

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The world was ending, people around were toughing up blood and falling over. "Come on (y/n)." A blond boy with blue eyes called you. You couldn't help the the tears to flow. Trying to wipe them off but they just kept flowing. A blacked hair boy grabbed your hand "stop crying (y/n) it's going to be ok." He said with a smile. You snifed and wiped away the tears and held the boys hand tider.

The blond boy with blue eyes opened the door and walked in. "Mika, she's not breathing! "  said a girl with brown hair that was tied in a braid that went over her shoulder. You were still holding yuu's hand and mika was trying to get the lady to wake up. Then the windows and the door broke down and vampires came and took all of the kids.

2 years later

All the kids were lining up to get there blood drained for the vampires. "Ghaaaaaaaaaa" yelled a boy with black hair. "I wont drink this stuff its nasty" "Yuu, you have to drink it so we dont get sick." Said a boy with blue eyes and blond hair. "im not their livestock!" Yuu hissed. "Wheres (y/n)?" The bondie asked "i dont know mika shes probily out exploring or something." Yuu answered

Somewhere else

As she jumped from building to building her (h/l) (h/c) flowing in the wind like a bird majestically flying though the air. And her bright (e/c) eyes that almost looked gold sparkling with excitement.  She stopped at a progenitor's mansion. She waited for a little till she turned around and ran away jumping from building to building as she left she felt eyes on her she turned her head to only see nothing she shook the feeling away and went home. 

At home

"(Y/n)!" Shouted some kids "hi!" Said (y/n) petting their heads. "What are you making Akane?" (Y/n) asked "akane is making curry!" Said one of the kids (y/n) hummed and went to play with the kids. (Y/n) was the oldest of all the kids she was 14 but she acted as she was 16.

Akane left to get yuu and mika and you were with the kids playing with them and keeping an eye on the curry. When akane came back with just yuu  the kids ran over to yuu. You and akane got the table ready you sat down next to yuu zoning out and slowly eating. After every one was done the kids yuu and you play with the kids and akane washing the dishes.

It was bed time and were trying to sleep but you couldn't. And you noticed that yuu was still awake the door opened and mika came up only to see the two of you up "(y/n), yuu cant sleep?" All three of you sat down at the table and mika gave yuu some curry yuu dident want it but mika held up a gun and yuu took it and stard to eat his curry. Then akane woke up and asked what are we doing up and mika told her to wake everyone up.


They were walking up the sewer system following mika that was following a map. (Y/n) had a bad feeling about this but she followed mika ignoring the feeling. As the were at the end a vampire with long silver hair came out and said "ahhh there you are i thought  you would never show up~" Mika, Yuu and (y/n)'s eyes widen. "Ahh i love the look that humans make when all their hopes have been dashed!" He said as he went after one of the kids. "Aw died so quickly." The vampire announced going after another. "Wait no" mika mummbed "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" mika screeched.

Yuu tryed to shoot the vampire in the head but he missed. (Y/n) stared in horror watching her family being killed. The vampire appeared in front of her "humm~ your the human that Crowley has taking an increse in ill have to spare you." The vampire said grabbing your chin "(Y/N)!" Yelled yuu.

The vampire let go of your chin and you fell to your knees shedding tears. Mika took the gun out of yuu's hand and ran to the vampire he tryed to shoot the vampire but the vampire severed his arm and pieced him in the chest. Yuu ran and shot the vampire in the head. Yuu tryed to get mika to go with the two but mika said to leave him behind. Yuu ran up the stars leaving you and mika.

You were a sobbing mess on the ground till you felt a hand on your shoulder you wiped your head around seeing a bulky vampire with red bangs and dark brown almost black hair that was in a tight braid thar went over his left shoulder smilling at you. Your eyes widen at the site "shh little one go with your friend." He said petting you hair. You slowly got up and ran away before you went away you looked over your shoulder to see him smiling at you waving.  You look over your left and to see figers comeing closer you looked where the bulky vampire was but he wasn't there. You wispered a small thank you and ran down the tunul. 

You screeched yuu's name but you tripped and fell you got up and looked around there was no one. "YUU! WHERE ARE YOU!?" You shouted. "Oh theres another one" someone said you wiped your head around to see some people and yuu "YUU?!" You yelled. "(Y/n)!?" Yuu asked  and ran to you giving to a hug but the two of you fell in the snow. You hugged him back and looked up at a male with black hair and purple eyes. You and yuu got up. " hey kid, the names Guren, do you wana get back at the vampires?"

999 words
Hey author here, Thank you for reading and sorry if the characters are out of character or the grammar is bad.   ☢   I dont own the art they go to their rightful owners.    ☢    2 chapter will be published soon, see you till then.

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now