Chapter 19: The Seraph's Of The End

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" I told you guys we shouldn't of came, look at this mess humans attacking humans " complained mika " don't be a sour puss, mika any way if we didn't come mine and Yuu-chans family would have died " you teased slightly

" (Y/N)!? Your here, but-" shinoa said "shh let's get out of here ok?" You asked, shinoa nodded. You looked to where the body's of your previous comrades were, looking up slightly to see a medal box with arrow thing moving around like snakes," you! What are you doing to our comrades ? " you questioned pointing your blade at kureto " ah, you must be Lieutenant ( y/n) " Kureto started " enough of your shit tell me what your doing and what's in that box, it sure looks like your not trying to help humanity, more like kill them, explain" you order " your only a lieutenant your not aloud to question me" " I can do what ever the fuck I want, you don't control me, your not my mother" your eyes narrowed at the box as the arrow came zooming toward you , you flipped your sword swing away the arrows and dogeing them with no effort.

" Kureto the vampires are coming" yelled a woman with blond hair. Kureto turned towed the vampires " attack " he yelled . You gritted your teeth " don't panic, this is a great opportunity " said shinya grabbing Yuu's shoulder.

You twirled you sword cutting down any vampire that was in your way " yuu your to far out come back" yelled shinoa . Yuu stoped " guren! " yelled Yuu your eyes widened 'No no no, guren isn't him self right now' you thought as guren raised his sword at Yuu, but mika came in the way and stoped the blade with his own. As both mika and guren fought you grabbed Yuu " don't trust guren right now" you said " what is all of this , guren?" You asked " the seraph of the end" he spoke as he killed a bunch of vampires and humans the arrows pirced their body's drawing blood.

the box exsploded the wind wiped though your ( h/c) locks as you cover your eyes with your arms. You then put down your arms to see a ball of light . Your eyes widened at the beautiful sight, as fore white wings sprouted from the ball to reveal a girl. " it's an angel" someone said from behind you as you all stared in awe. " it's our punishment for braking heavens taboos, we must take control of this power" yelled Kureto

" you humans are foolish, you have brought this on yourselfs " said the angel lifting a hand as a golden trumpet apered, she blow in to it as the ground beneath your feet crumbled and spikes came up.

The sky turns red , you stumbled . " well , well it's quite Impressive , let's watch " ferid spoke in amusement as Crowley grunted slightly.

" hurry Capture the angel" ordered Kureto as the humans shout poles in the air as paper talismans wrapped around the girls feet and wrist. " no you monster, that's my sister!" Yelled kimusiki rush twored Kureto and the rest.

You fell on your ass as you looked up at the angel a surprised yet sad exasperation forming on you face. Tears pricked your eye as you could feel the pain of the girl with wings. The girl moved as a split formed on her back, a black missed came out of the split . It formed a geient creature it opens it hands and mouth showing off it's sharp teeth . " there it is the fifth trumpet summed the demon of destruction, abaddon" Kureto spoke " our inchantments and cures worked, to see that we control the seraph of the end" he spoke happily " aoi you know what to do next" " yes sir" she spoke grabbing what looked to be kuni out of a box throughing them at the demon. Black blobs fell out of the red and black creacher as it hit the ground it then formed in to fore horsemen of John, but black.

" ahh!" You screamed as one landed near you you stumbled up running away from the thing as it chased you, " damn it" you yelled cringing at the pain in your leg " that hurts so bad" you spoke " yasha scythe form" you ordered as black and red cloud formed around your sword " dragons dance" you yelled. As a all black dragon came out of your slach rushing tword the fore horsemen killing it.

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now