⚠️ unfinished chapter ⚠️ Chapter 22

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⚠️ Warning this chapter is unfinished and leaves off weird ⚠️

Yuu turned his head over to the sea " do you hear that, a car engine " he spoke. Everyone stopped talking, mika looked over at Yuu , as he listened. " I'll check, where is it coming from"" near the sea" spoke Yuu as yoichi jumped up. " well?" Yelled kimusiki. " I-its that noble and the red haired monster " yelled yoichi . Shinoas eyes widened " w-wait him " she asked." We can't keep standing here we gotta run " you spoke as you turned your sword into a pendent, walking away from the group as the rest followed.

" oh no, they have spooed us, now there running " Crowley pouted " well go after them" spoke ferid " huh why" " because I'm driving " well then let me drive " Crowley spoke " get going" feired spoke with a smile, but it was a threating smile, Crowley sighed standing up " so, what you want me to do?" He asked " don't kill them but you can lob off a leg or two if it's what it takes " ferid said.

" stop talking and focus on running " you yelled, your breath was uneven as you ran , you had to get away, you wouldn't let your new family die on your watch

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" stop talking and focus on running " you yelled, your breath was uneven as you ran , you had to get away, you wouldn't let your new family die on your watch. You clutched your weapon,
As it was in sword form. Your ( e/c) eyes widened at the figure that landed in front of your small group. " whew! Finally caught up" he spoke softly to himself " fuck" you whispered " ok now, until ferid gets here, let's have some fun " he spoke. He then disappeared from sight " ahhh! " someone yelled you turned you head over to see mistsuba, in the air. " MISTSUBA!!" You yelled. " hi there, looks like we meet again " Crowley spoke , looking tword your group.

" mitsu!! Fuck, he's caught up with us already " yelled shinoa, " what are we going to do? " " isn't it obvious? We gotta save her" yell yoichi pulling out his bow

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" mitsu!! Fuck, he's caught up with us already " yelled shinoa, " what are we going to do? " " isn't it obvious? We gotta save her" yell yoichi pulling out his bow. " oh nice, if you fight with me that'll make waiting for ferid less boring " Crowley spoke with amusement. Mistsuba looked over to Crowleys foot grabbing it and hugged his lower leg. " leave me and run!! You can't waist time here!" Mistsuba yelled out. " we won't we don't abandon our comrades " yelled yoichi as he shot out two arrows at Crowley but he deflected them with his sword. " you can't hit me with those, you tried before, remember?" Crowley said. " come on we can capture him" yelled kimusiki. " hey wait " nanami yelled out " fuck " you yelled " no you guys stop!" You yelled as the rest when out to help get mistsuba back. ' shut shit shit, I don't want to know what will happen if ferid gets here' you thought. You stepped forward, " get misuba out of there that's a derect order !" You yelled turning to nanami, then charging at Crowley " hey now!" Yelled Crowley, you attacked Crowley with random swings of your sword. black and red marks apered on you face as your left eye turned red, like a vampires. " hey hey now, I'm not going to hurt you, shit" Crowley spoke as he covered his side with his hand, you had cut him, cut him. This was new you have never cut him at all , how exciting. Crowley looked at you with slight worry , he wasn't supposed to feel this feeling, he was a vampire, he was no longer human so why? Crowley kicked off the girl that was at his foot and he jumped away from you but that didn't do a thing you came at him no matter what he did. There was only one other thing he could do, restrain you. Crowley caught your wrist twisted it in a weird way so you would let go of your weapon. He then spun you around so your back was facing him. You still thrashed around yelling out random shit. You then moved your foot up, aming at his dick, but before you could kick in in the balls he pulled your back in to his chest, your kick missed. Crowley groaned in to the back of your head. You yourself moaned softly as the markings disappeared from your face, it was replaced with deep blush. " you fucker!" You screamed in embarrassment, you thrusted your head back as you head met with Crowleys nose, then blood came out from his nose. A nosebleed, he hadn't had a nosebleed since he was human. " ( Y /N)!" Yelled shinoa " dam" I thought.

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