Chapter 14: Close

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* it gets a little spicy near the end *

You sat on the love seat just staring out
in to space. You didn't have any thing to do, just sit and wait till the vamp came back. Your eyes were getting heavy slowly you eyes closed as you slipped in to a comfortable darkness. A pare of red eyes looked at your sleeping form.

Your eyes open to see vary long hair draped over you " yasha? " you ask " hm? Oh no" a female voice ringed in your ears, an angelic voice. " the names Aphrodite Hora , it's nice to finally meet you ( Y/N) (L/N) " she said smiling

" like the Greek goddess??" " oh no dearest " Aphrodite giggled " if you get me mixed up with her then just call me Hora then" her purple eyes sparkled " o-h Hora um what are you doing here or why are you talking to me" you asked sitting up from her lap turning around and sat with crossed legs. " I'm here to help with your seraph that is deweled inside your soul well I guess it's our soul" she laughed, you looked at her with a confused exasperation

" oh you don't know do you oh oh silly me you are a reincarnation of myself, so technically we have the same soul " she explained. You hummed,

" well it's time for me to go oh and you might want to watch what you do" she said eyes sparkling. You nodded as you slowly awoke.

You felt warm 'odd' you thought. You open your eyes looking around, you were in a bed. You sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes . You looked to the side to see a dresser with a mirror on top of it in the corner of the room was a black couch, with pillows.

Crowley was sitting on the couch reading what looked to be the holy bible ' what? ' you thought. Crowley was humming his foot moving to his tune, in his hand was a glass of red liquid, almost done.

" looks like your awake, did you have a nice nap ? " he asked looking up from his book.  You hummed. He stud up putting his book and glass down. Walking over to you . You moved away from him on the bed the best you can.

🌶🌶🌶  your warning ⚠️

Crowleys eyes widened, he then smirked. He crawled on the bed moving closer to you.
He was on top of you looking down at his face inches away from your own.

Your face became hot as his smirk widened. He moved down to your neck giving it a slight kiss moving to under your callerbone he began to suck.

Your arms gave out as Crowleys hands moved to your waist  and the other to your hip , rubbing your hip with his thumb. You gave out a little whimper. Crowley detached his mouth from your skin

" I'll break the chastity outh " he whispered to himself, he moved off of you leaving out the door with out a word.

You rolled on your side with your hands on your hot and red face.
'My heart hurts'
you thought moving your hands to your chest tears falling down your red cheeks.

'And I don't know why'

Tell me what you think about the spicy stuff if you like it then I'll add more to the book.
Also tell me if I should remove the warning
~ Luna Asher ❤️❤️

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now