Chapter 12 : This Is GoodBye For Now

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A buzzer went off, telling the team that the 3 minutes was up. Your eyes widened " shit" you spoke " it's time to retreat" shinoa yelled getting a ready to leave.

Your eyes focused on the floor your tears fell off your flushed cheeks. You looked up at Yuu and got off Shinya walking over to Yuu, ignoring the pain. You grabbed Yuu's head and pulled him back. " (Y/N)! What are you doing , we can't- " Yuu said and turned his head toward you. Your face looked numb to any emotion, empty. Your tears slipped down slow and steady, the salty water clung to you long lashes.

" he'll be fine " you said smiling at him kindly. You let go of Yuu and slowly walked to Crowley, as he tilted his head to the side. " fine I'll go with you as long as my family can go safe and sound and you let go of Guren " you said with no emotion on your face.

Crowley smiles from ear to ear " I don't go back on my promises " he said staring down at your form. He grabbed a hold on your arm pulling you in to himself as he stepped away from the group of humans. " NO! (Y/N)! You can't leave! " Yuu yelled panic setting on his face, running after you . " stop him, that's an order "Shinya yelled as Kimizuki and Yoichi grabbed a hold of his body. Shinoa went to grab Guren.

You turned around as much as you could. " thank you all, I'll miss you please be safe I View you all as my family, brothers and sisters. Please be safe now go , and Yuu don't even think about coming to save me you dipshit. This is good bye my dear Family " you said with glossy eyes tears falling down your pink cheeks with a cheeky grin on your face.

Crowley put his arm under your legs lifting you up bridal style. Walking away from the commotion. " chess , horn come" he ordered as both of the female blood suckers followed behind Crowley. You could hear shinya say that they should go before the leach changes his mind.

You looked down at your wrist playing with the bracelet that was all ways there it had a red ribbon that was tied in a braid it was worn out some of the threads were coming loose, stains on the ribbon from who knows what. There was a little pendant that hung, it was a cross with a little angel that clung to the cross, beside it there was a red gem that glistened in the light.

Crowley watched as you played with the bracelet, he had an odd feeling about it like he seen it before, but he shrugged the feeling off. " lord Crowley,  why did you pick this one? " the blue haired vamp asked, wining. Crowley just chuckled. He turned to a door opening it with his foot walking in.

It was a small Library with books covering the walls. A small desk in the middle of the room some books piled on the desk there was a love seat Against the wall, across from the desk. Crowley made a beeline to the love seat putting you down gently.

Another chapter done hope you liked it
~Luna Asher ❤️

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now