chapter 7

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His fangs digged in to your soft flesh tainting it. You struggled agents his body your tears sting your (e/c) eyes, the salty water slipped down your cheeks. A sad whimper left your mouth ' there's nothing I can do' you thought.
You just clung to his body, hopeless. You looked over to Yuu, your eyes widened as you saw black tar that seem to crystallize in mid air comeing out of his back as he screamed in pain .

Crowley was lost in the taste of your flesh and blood. He just count get enough of it. He never had blood like this, it was sweet and savory. Crowley detached his mouth from your neck panting slightly, lapping up all the blood he could.
He sat up looking at your shocked face and he rose an eyebrow looking over where you were looking. He stud up walking to where Yuu was slowly walk " I don't know what that is but, what ever that is that's kind of freaking me out " he said.

Yuu lifted his sword swing it back down the ground around him cracked and Crowley's eyes widened tuning around to you running after your body that was slipping in and out of consciousness, quickly grabbing you and getting out of the way. He gently put you down, looking up so see the damage that Yuu caused. He whistled " impressive, that's a lot of damage" Crowley stated.


You felt worm and comfortable. You clung on to what ever that felt nice " oh (y/n)" a deep voice echoed slightly.

You hummed knowing it was your demon companion Yasha. "What?" You questioned him, he played with your hair. "I got to show you something " he said grabbing hold of your legs picking you up bridle style getting up and walking in a direction that you didn't really care.

Yasha puts you down gently you looked to see a woman with six giant white wings they were tied down with black chains that had red writing on it. She wore a white dress with a red cape that had a gold border on the edge, the dress hung past her feet. her hair was short it looked to be white as her skin was black as a sharpie, she seemed to have no mouth or eyes. She was a beautiful sight.

" whos she?" You asked "Chiyo a goddess or seraph, she's trying to take control, maybe you should get away from the humans" his deep voice distorted slightly in anger " uh why?" You asked, Yasha's eyes moved to your small figure as he leaned down your faces inches apart as he looked angry " because the humans put that thing in you!" he stated dangerously.

The sound of trumpets startled you as you looked up to see the clouds in the sky parted as figures with wings came out of the gap in the sky " well looks like its too late, good luck master" he bowed his long hair hid his face.


Your screeching and the bloodcurdling screams that come from your vocal cords startled Crowley. He looked at you wide eyed.

Your (e/c) eyes got lost in the abyss of white that poured out of your eyes, the same tar like liquid came out of your mouth in clumps, like you were throwing it up.
It even came out of your back and crystallized, they were wings crystal wings. You stud up straight raising your hand up as the ground cracked open as white lava came exploding up. Crowley moved just in time. When he opened his eyes you stud right in front of him.

" 2nd trumpet what have you done " your voice was distorted uncomfortably to his ears. He realised you weren't looking at him, but the other human that went berserk. He got a better look at you,
your hair got longer then before, your (e/c) eyes were gone, your lips slightly parted white liquid came out of your mouth like a river, your ears were long and pointy, your uniform was ripped to smothering your black and red lace bra poked out from under your undershirt, your wings were giant and see though and made jiggling notices when the wind blows past. There was a gold halo that had eyes that moved in random movements, you even had long white claws.

" answer me 2nd trumpet " your eyebrow knitted together, Yuu didn't say any thing just ran after you, " useless just speak" you said stepping forward your foot inches from Crowley's, grabbing a hold of Yuu's wrist, flinging him across the battlefield, sending white crystallised weapons at Yuu.

You turned to Crowley looking down at him. " and who might you be a saint or sinner?" You asked


yay! anther chapter done, thank you for reading see you next time.

~LunaAsher ♡♡

Wings are made to fly {Crowley Eusford x Female Reader} [ DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now