Chapter 18: Going To Save Our Family

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You ran as fast as you could your leg was crying out in pain, you wouldn't be surprised if your wound opened again. but you were tired, you had no idea what to do or where to go. You hadn't seen any of your comrades or anyone , just a couple of dead bodies laying on the ground. You felt sorry for them they could have had a better life. A longer life.

You tripped over something on the ground making you fall, rolling down the hill as the snow stuck to your uniform. You took a deep breath and then let it all out as you watched as your breath became a cloud in front of your face. You keeped breathing heavy trying to catch your breath. You heard foot steps not that far from you.

" is that ( Y/N)!?" Yelled a familiar voice, " it is! , (Y/N)!! " " Yuu carful, she doesn't look so good" yelled another voice. You looked up at the sound " your alive!! " yelled Yuu as he dropped to his knees in front of you pulling you to a sitting position. Mika came up behind Yuu. " ( Y/N) you look cold" spoke mika he then took off his cape and put it around you "we should find some where warm" Yuu said picking you up bridal style. Mika nodded in agreement. You closed your eyes as you let sleep take over.


You felt the vibration of an engine. You then opened your eyes to see you were in a car, 'huh?' You asked yourself. You looked over to see Yuu and mika. " I can't just abandoned them mika, there there so important to me I View them as much as family as you and (Y/N) " Yuu spoke. " but Yuu, the humans are experimenting on you and (Y/N) , humanity are greedy creatures, there more cunning then vampires, you can't trust them" yelled mika

" I just can't, there family" Yuu responded. " why are you two arguing about this time" you asked sitting up. " (Y/N) your awake" said Yuu, mika smiled at you. " how did you get away from that vampire?" Yuu asked " he let me go" you said looking down at your lap. " hUh? Why, how , I'm happy he didn't do anything but that doesn't seem in character for a vampire " Yuu said puzzle by your situation. You laughed awkwardly. " don't ask me ask the vampire " you laughed. " I guess he wasn't as bad as I thought " you said more to your self then to then people around you.

" shinoa, what's going on?" Kimusiki asked his squad leader, as he what confused about what what going on with the mission." I know as much as you do" she spoke, with a worried exasperation. " where are the choppers, guren said that they wold be here" said goshi " we're not safe here, the vampires will be close behind us, we can't just sand around."  narumi spoke up " major General, I found this in the control room, I think it's for us" said a woman with red hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. 

Shinya grabbed the letter opening it. " well? What does it say?" Goshi asked. " it says, to stand by and wait for new Directives"  said shinya " stand by?!" " this is all your fault you little bitch " said someone in the back. Then a loud slap was heard. They all looked back to see rika slapping shinoa, in a fit of rage. " hey! " kimuziki threatens. Shinoa raises a hand to stop them " yayoi, kagiyama, their both dead because you decided to betray us and help that vampire" rika took a breath " it's not fair that your still alive, maybe you should join them, it's all your fault" rika complain in her misery " you got my friends killed" she exclaimed " I'm sorry" shinoa apologize " I'm not forgiving you that easily" rika said pulling out her sword and pointing the tip of it at shinoa

" you'll pay for what you did" she yelled " stop-" yelled misuba and kimusiki was going to pull out his swords. " it's fine you guys" said shinoa " I don't want your apology, save your breath. It wouldn't bring my friends back, their bleeding in the streets, you killed them " rika spoke tears falling down her cheeks.

" rika" spoke a boy with black hair touching the hilt of rikas sword. " pull your self together " narumi spoke softly. " killing her isn't going to help" " but makoto " rika said " I'm not saying that I'm going to forgive her or her comrades"  narumi spoke walking forward and reaching behind him to his weapon

" I'm your leader, so her blood should be on my hands" he said " sorry but that's not your decision to make " shinya spoke up " then your going to punish them? They sided with a vampire on the Battlefield, witch led to our troops being ambushed " narumi said turning to his new commander " like I said you don't get to decide her fate" said shinya " find then , then you punish them " narumi said " this intire mission has turned to an shit storm, now look how that's turned out, you want us to forgive these trailers? And stand by? Well that's not happening!" Spoke narumi

" escape in a copper and lead the vampires to a trap in shinguku, that was our final mission was, but the thing is that guren wasn't the one who plans this " " then who did" asked narumi " Lieutenant General Kureto Hīragi " " of course, I'm sick of
The Hīragi's ordering us around like we're just chest pieces, well I refuse to follow it anymore " Narumi spoke

" just calm down" " don't you dare tell me to calm down " said Narumi grabbing Shinyas uniform and pushing him in to the fence. " we're Abandoning this mission, I'm going back to save the Lieutenant colonel" said Narumi turning around, walking away from Shinya " if he's going back so am I you coming ? If this wasn't gurens mission I don't see any reason to finish it" " goshi, Mito, good bye " " hey wait " both Mito and goshi spoke " this is starting to get ugly " spoke misuba " what should we do?"

" hold on Narumi " " I know that I'm disobeying orders , go a head and patronize me for all I care" " will you just shut up, I'm saying that we are abandoning this mission together " ordered shinya " let's do it we're ignoring orders from high command, our new mission is to save Lieutenant Colonel and Lieutenant ( y/n) ( l/n)  " ordered shinya as the group around talked to one another . Shinoa nodded " well you heard him, we can't just leave ( y/n) in the hands of the vampires " shinoa spoke " she's our comrade , our friend , no she's more then that she's our family and we don't leave family behind " said shinoa

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